Page 32 - Tehelka Issue 15 August 2018
P. 32

Proposal to scrap UGC

         invites mixed reactions

         The new draft law, the Higher Education Commission of India Bill proposes to revamp the
         governance of higher education in India, writes vivashwan singh

                 he present central govern-  UGC. Out Of the total 12 members of   draft should have mentioned that due
                 ment has a tendency to   the commission, there will be three   or fair representation should be given
                 lean towards centralising   bureaucrats — the secretary of Higher   to marginalised social groups, genders
                 power and promote com-   Education, secretary of Ministry of Skill   and minority communities.
         T moditization. However, the     Development and Entrepreneurship,   According to Professor Prabhat Pat-
         recent directive on scrapping UGC is an   and secretary, Department of Science   naik, professor emeritus of econom-
         important step. The new draft law, the   and Technology.         ics at JNU, the HECI, in all probability,
         Higher Education Commission of India   It’s obvious that a commission large-  will end up being a bureaucratic body,
         Bill proposes to revamp the govern-  ly consisting of bureaucratic academics   based on the current government’s
         ance of higher education in India. The   will sharply reduce the academic com-  leaning towards neoliberal develop-
         Bill seeks to replace the UGC Act, 1956,   ponent of the UGC with a bias towards   ment. The academic institutions in In-
         and restructure the UGC as the Higher   white-collar professionalism. The com-  dia have never been totally free from
         Education Commission of India (HECI).   munalisation of education actually   government interference but with the
         The body, in its new form, will focus on                         HRD ministry controlling university
         setting, maintaining and improving                               funding directly, the feasibility of po-
         academic standards in universities.   Although giving            litical interference in the running of
           The government has also decided   autonomy by itself is        our institu-tions will increase to large
         to develop norms for setting standards                           extent.
         for opening and closure of institutions,   not a bad proposal       Giving ‘autonomy’ to institutions is
         provide for greater flexibility and au-  and universities        one of the key points in the proposed
         tonomy to institutions, lay standards                            Higher Education Commission of In-
         for appointments to critical leadership   need autonomy to       dia (HECI). Although giving autonomy
         positions at the institutional level irre-  function effectively,   by itself is not a bad proposal and uni-
         spective of University started under any                         versities need autonomy to function ef-
         Law (including State Law).        but the government’s           fectively, but the present government’s
           The present government has a high-                             autonomy plan has come with a pack-
         ly technocratic attitude, even when it   plan has come with      age of cost cutting and raising fees. It is
         comes to the UGC. The number of aca-  a package of cost          a matter of fixing fees, in which large
         demics in the UGC has been sharply re-                           numbers of students belonging to back-
         duced. The communalisation of higher   cutting and fee hike      ward economic backgrounds wont get
         education goes hand-in-hand with                                 the access to higher education, unless
         a strengthening of caste prejudices.                             they are willing to take student loans.
         What is even more shocking is the fact   meshes well with commodification. The   Considering the large scale unem-
         that there is no reservation for women/  self-centred individuals designed for   ployment that prevails in our country,
         Dalit/OBC scholars in the proposed   the neo liberal market that capitalism   if the students take loans, then a large
         Higher Education Commission.     produces, not only carry over the preju-  number of them will be unable to pay
           It is full of bureaucrats, academic bu-  dices that they may have imbibed early,   back the loan and will lead to mass sui-
         reaucrats including vice-chancellors,   but even strengthen these prejudices,   cides, similar to the prevailing peasant
         professors, who are controlled by the   of people being judged by the money   suicides.
         state. The proposed Higher Education   they have and the marginalised and   In the name of autonomy the gov-
         Commission of India, will have com-  the oppressed, such as the minorities,   ernment is moving towards the priva-
         paratively lesser academics than the   are looked upon with contempt.The   tisation of higher education. The HECI

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