West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday announced Rs 10 lakh cash award and a government job to Swapna Barman who won India’s first ever gold medal in the heptathlon in the ongoing Asian Games 2018, in Jakarta.
The 21-year-old from Jalpaiguri created history when she achieved her personal best score of 6026 points in the seven-event competition to earn India’s first heptathlon gold in Asian Games.
Congratulating Swapna, Mamata Banerjee tweeted, “Heartiest congratulations to @Swapna_Barman96 our heptathlon queen from India and Bangla, on winning the gold at the Asian Games. You have made us very proud.”
Former Indian Captain Sourav Ganguly took to his twitter account and congratulated the golden girl.
“Congratulations to Swapna Burman @Swapna_Barman96 ..for her gold ..we in India and Bengal are so happy and proud,” Ganguly wrote.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Swapna and said that India is extremely proud of her for winning gold medal. “A talented athlete wins a prestigious medal. Well done @swapna Barman96 for winning the Gold in the Heptathlon. This success demonstrates the skills and perseverance you are blessed with. India is extremely proud of you! #AsianGames2018”, tweeted Modi.