Noida : Journalist wins AAO Election

Board Members

Kavita Sharma, a well known journalist from broadcast and print media has won Association of Apartment [AAO]  board member election from Kosmos society situated at Jaypee Wishtown, sector 134, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. AAO elections at Kosmos, which were held second time after two and a half year on 27& 28th July this month, has never seen any journalist residing in the society contesting and winning elections. This is the first time that Kavita Sharma, a journalist from Kosmos, where many journalists from print and Electronic media reside, contested and won election  from Helping Hands group with good margin of votes. Kavita stands third amongst the nine board members who are elected for the period of one year.

Kavita Sharma

“ Initially I was not interested in contesting the election. Neither I have any political background nor any political ambition. It was all because of some active members of my society, like Pushkar Singh, Alok Sharma, Naveen Kumar, Prabodh Shukla, including Kalpana and Sunil Bhardwaj from Helping Hands who convinced me to contest election,  Kavita said while talking to Tehelka. She further described her victory as a huge responsibility on her shoulder to work for the betterment of her Kosmos society.

Kosmos was burstling with Election activities for the last two months. With two groups, Helping Hands headed by Sunil Sharma, popularly known as Sunil Bhardwaj and United Kosmos Front [UKF] were in the fray. From dawn to dusk the two groups were not only campaigning on various Whatsapp groups but were also meeting residents door to door in various towers. During the campaign Helping hands team , which also won the last election, at some places faced resistance of the residents on various issues, which include the bad condition of some towers etc. Despite all this, group Helping Hand’s all nine members are elected for  the second consecutive years to run the Kosmos society.

Why helping hands won AOA election for the second time in a row despite resistance from various quarters ? Kosmos resident answered this question on the condition of not revealing his name. He says that Sunil Bhardwaj’s Helping Hand has a army of volunteers who worked relentlessly during these elections. According to him the pillars of Helping Hands are Pushkar Singh,  Brijesh Singh, Alok Sharma , Ankur Khanna , Ankit Bhardwaj and Nitesh Priyaranjan.

Another residents on the condition of not mentioning his name said that Kosmos society, which have a good population of Muslims, voted in large number for Sunil Bhardwaj’s Helping Hands. People like Ashfaque Ali, Rais, Imad, Mushtaq, Mujahid etc all worked to convince Muslim voters to vote for the group which will work for the betterment of the society.

Elections are over now,its time for work. Helping Hands which only have one year to prove before next year election that they can bring all the good work to the society, which include plaster and paints on the towers, which residents are eagerly waiting. UKF also have only one year to introspect what went wrong for them before they come out next year all guns blazing.

Helping Hands nine members who won elections and are now eagerly waiting to get posts are, Sunil Sharma, Ravi Shankar Kumar, Kavita Sharma, Shalini Rana, Dharmendra Kumar, Sachin Bajpai, Devendra Singh Yadav, Rahul Kumar and Asad Anwar. Out of the nine members, Shalini Rana is another woman face along with Kavita for Helping Hands.

B-38 cluster was a tough fight for Helping Hands. But according to the sources Kavita Sharma, who comes from this cluster has made the fight easy for Helping Hands. Sources revealed that Kavita even managed to get some UKF votes.