Exams time…probably that time of the year when students are under utmost pressure of studies. Lots of mood swings, sadness, rudeness, fatigue, cravings, depression, can be expected from children. But it is okay, since lot of unnecessary stress has been built up by our education system especially when it comes to board exams. To gather more information on this we contacted some counselors in Delhi- NCR who are approached by various schools to give tips to the parents and children.
According to a Child Pyscologist, Saumya Singh “ parents want to fulfill their shortcomings through children, they think if they do not score good marks they will not succeed.”…One should accept failures and every parent should teach their kid to accept failures, she added. Atmosphere at home should be positive, avoid guests and relatives,can play some soft music when your child is eating, this will keep them relaxed, she added.
On how to avoid stress during Exams time, ShaliniArora, another Child psychologist said Kids should stay away from Electronic gadgets, focus on syllabus and manage time. Shalini who is also a psychology teacher in Noida, said I always speak to my children very Politely, they need encouragement especially from parents. To deal with Exam Stress make sure to take frequent breaks, don’t sit for long hours at one place, she added.
“Remind your child that feeling stressed this time is normal, the key is to put these nerves to positive use. “ Help them feel confident and avoid overthinking, added KavyaDas, another counselor.
We also approached some schools in Noida, Anjali Malik , Principal of Jaypee Public School told us that they conduct a session on Stress and management every year. Most of our students experience maximum stress this time so we invite counselors to deliver a lecture and give tips to our children on this. Even the brilliant students who score above 90% throughout the year, become stressed and hopeless during Final exams. Ruchi Gupta, a student of our school sought psychological help when she panicked and forgot answers at preliminary test.
According to an Opthalmologist, Shweta, many students are witnessing vision problems, headaches, dry eyes during exams time because of e- learning. The use of internet has increased and have affected their eyes. According to her when you make excessive use of laptop or desktop screen,you forget to blink your eyes, while results in irritation and dryness. We suggest children to take some eyes drops for relaxation. The use of internet should not increase more than 20 minutes , take a break after every 20 minutes, she added.
When students are occupied in their studies, fueling the body and mind gets ignored. During the exams time students study for longer hours, so a balanced diet is important for concentration. According to a renowned Dietitian eating right during exams increase your memory and make you feel calm. So Never skip your meal, Include maximum vegetables in your diet, Don’t forget to take proteins, milk, and fruits. Drink plenty of water, Reduce caffeine intake.. They should also follow some type of exercise also, like Cycling, Swimming, or a walk, she added.
According to some studies nutritional intake directly impacts the mental capacity of students. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals can lead to weakness and mental attention. So nutritional intake can enhance their mental ability…