In a very busy life and many responsibilities in that too in their completion, we often forget to take care of our health. There are many of us who take our headache, running nose, sneezing, mild fever and other problems lightly and do not even think about their treatment. Due to this, many serious diseases are taking their place in the body. If you do not pay attention on time, then it can prove to be very harmful and fatal for you.
Often you hear from the people around you saying that they have headache problems. Some people have migraine problems due to which they have headache problems. During this time, the patient also has faced some problems such as nose bleeding, vomiting and sensitivity to light. In such a situation, we are telling you why you should not take the headache lightly. Headache can also be a sign of some serious illness.
Migraine and general headaches are different. The reason for the common headache is also different. In general headache, this pain is temporary which is also cured in a short time. Common headache includes pain around the eyes on both sides of the head. It occurs due to reasons like fatigue, feeling hungry and sleeplessness. Migraine is much more than just a terrible headache. A migraine headache may cause a pulsating, throbbing pain usually only on one side of the head or in the back of the head. It is a second most common form of primary headache.
According to WHO migraine is the sixth highest cause of lost days worldwide due to disability. it is an incapacitating neurological disease with a wide range of symptoms like- blurred vision, noises, dizziness, scents, light-headedness, nausea and sensory disturbances known as auras.
Migraine is a type of prickling and sleepy headache. In this there is a severe pain in one part of the head or a condition like a rupture of the head. Occasionally migraine also causes pain in both parts of the head. Migraine pain can haunt a person for hours and sometimes it can take two to three days to return to normalcy. In migraine, the artery under the head is enlarged at the time of headache. Sometimes there is swelling in the painful part. Migraine is also known as vascular headache. This may be due to food, change in environment, increase in stress level or excess gold. These symptoms need to be monitored.
Types of migraines:
Classical migraine: classic migraine also called migraine with aura. Aura is a term which describes a neurological symptom of migraine (commonly visual disturbance). Between 10 — 30 per cent people are suffering from this type of migraine. Visual disturbances can include blind spots in the field of eyesight, colored spots, sparkles or stars, flashing lights before the eyes, tunnel vision, zig-zag lines, temporary blindness, numbness or tingling, pins and needles in the arms and legs, weakness on one side of the body, dizziness and a feeling of spinning.
Non-classical migraine: migraine without aura are called non-classical migraine or “common migraine”, non-classical migraine causes severe headaches from time to time, but there are no other symptoms. In such a situation, you can get rid of this condition by taking painkillers along with the onset of headache.
Why do more women suffer migraine than men?
This condition can affect people of almost every age and gender. But this is not an equal opportunity disorder. Mostly women have to deal with this problem. According to the migraine research foundation 85 percent of the women suffer from the migraine problem. Women often complain of pain in one side of the head and seek medical help to deal with it.
“The femaleness of migraine is inescapable,” says, Elizabeth Loder, associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School and chief of the division of headache and pain at Brigham and women’s hospital. ‘it is true, migraine disproportionality affects women’.
According to scientists at The Miguel Hernandez University in Elche, Spain, due to the common problem of migraine among women, the activity of sex hormones may be associated somewhere. Another study published in the journal Frontier in Molecular Biosciences also put forward the same point. This study was done on animals, which helped to establish the link between women’s sex hormones and migraine.
It has been revealed that estrogens form cells around the veins in the head and make the blood vessels more sensitive to migraine. For this reason, women often suffer from the migraine problem. In addition, menstruating women are more likely to suffer from migraines due to change in estrogen levels than men. It is important to know that man’s sex hormones provide them protection from problem such as headache.
Migraine affects kids?
Migraine often goes undiagnosed in children. In childhood, boys suffer from migraine more often than girls. A child who has one parent with migraine has a 50 per cent chance and If both parents have migraine then there are 75 per cent chances of inheriting it. 10 per cent of school going children are suffering from migraine and 28 per cent of adolescents between the age of 15 to 19 are affected by migraine.
Vitamin deficiency causes migraine:
People usually take medicines in the case of migraine with the advice of the doctors. But now a study has revealed this, that repeated migraine pain can also be caused by vitamin-D deficiency. Riboflavin and coenzyme Q10 deficiency may also be the main reason behind this pain.
Research by Suzanne Hagler of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center found that, migraine attack can also come from vitamin-D deficiency. In this research, Hagler included people who had migraine problems. These included data base of children, teenagers and elders. They then did a check up of all, which showed that they all lacked vitamin-D, riboflavin and coenzyme Q10.
Body fatigue, bone pain, wound healing, hair loss problem, muscle aches and stress can also be caused by vitamin-D deficiency. So, to get rid of the problem of vitamin-D, take at least 20 minutes of sunshine every day. Apart from this, eat milk products. Include fruits in your routine especially orange and if you can eat fish or egg yolk, then this is the best way to complete vitamin-D deficiency.
Tips to get rid of migraine
Most people prefer to take medicines from medical stores to get relief from migraine problem while some people adopt home remedies to relieve the pain of migraine, which are definitely effective. In this article, we are going to tell you about three natural tips which you can also get relief by adopting.
Lavender oil: smelling lavender essential oil reduces migraine symptoms, which has also been confirmed in many studies. According to a 2012 study, people who sniff lavender oil during migraine pain get rapid relief.
Ginger: ginger not only serves to give flavor to your food but is also very effective in relieving the pain of migraine. You can either keep a ginger tea or ginger supplement to get relief from migraine.
Massage: to get relief from the pain of migraine, massage gently on the neck and shoulders. By doing this you will get relief from stress and migraine. Apart from this, you can also use peppermint or rosemary essential oil. Both of these help in relieving the pain of migraine.
Yoga for migraine
Some poses which help in reducing migraine intensity and frequency are as follows:
Hastapadasana (standing forward bend)
Setu Bandhasana (bridge pose)
Shishuasana (child pose)
Marjariasana (cat stretch)
Paschimottanasana (two-legged forward bend)
Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward
facing dog pose)
Padmasana (lotus pose)
Shavasana (corpse pose).