New Delhi: After the Delhi Assembly adjourned for the day, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA’s on Monday marched towards Lt. Governor (L-G) V.K. Saxena’s office alleging that the latter was creating hurdles in the city government’s works.
The AAP members, including Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, were carrying placards that said ‘Let the teacher go to Finland’ during the protest march.
The AAP and L-G Saxena are at loggerheads over a training visit to Finland by Delhi government school teachers.
The party alleged that the L-G had sent back the files pertaining to sending the teachers to Finland twice, citing different grounds.
“We had to send 30 teachers to Finland in March, but the L-G sent its file back with objections. Again, we submitted our reply to the objections but the L-G has again sent it back with a remark that a cost benefit analysis should be done, ” Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said.
The AAP had also alleged that both L-G and the BJP were “conspiring against” the education system of the national capital.