Page 44 - Tehelka Issue 8&9
P. 44
Jilted lawyer bride takes up of her career, working as deputy her people back home. She was ill- brought me to India on June 18, 2014,
director in an educational institute
treated, made to do menial tasks like but left the next day without inform-
ing us. Day after he left I received my
when this marriage proposal came.
cleaning the bathrooms.
cudgels against ex-husband Her father was a senior government without food for three days, was divorce papers.
She was beaten up, locked up
“It was a shattering experience
official and her mother a writer. Her
three elder sisters were all happily
that Murtaza could start his craw fish myself and the first thing I did was
married, It was her maternal uncle asked to get 50 lakhs as dowry so but after a few days I took control of
who was the match maker. Murtaza, farming in the US. to lodge an FIR against him and my
Every year, hundreds of Indian girls fall prey to the fraudulent NRI marriage net. Made to was his wife’s cousin and he present- “He even threatened to get my in laws at the police station under
live in inhuman conditions, they are made to work as maids and tortured beyond ed Murtaza as the eligible bachelor parents eliminated,” said Zuby, try- Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC). I
imagination. kulsum mustafa talks to one of them and personally endorsed this. Zuby’s ing hard to hold back tears. even sent all details to the police sta-
One day she managed to escape
tion in the US,” she said.
family was hoodwink .
But Zuby confesses that even at and the building watchman helped Murtaza has not appeared even
that time she had an uncanny feel- her to call up her parents. They were once at the court. He is protected by
ost of the NRI brides, fused to take things lying down and she became a victim of. ing that all was not well. As she sits in appalled, and immediately sent a foreign laws. Under normal circum-
who become victims through legal procedure is trying to Married in April 10, 2014, to Syed her room adorned with her degrees cousin who lived in Dubai to get her stances, maintenance orders passed
of the fraudulent NRI get even with the man and his fam- Ali Murtaza, an NRI, it was just two and trophies of achievement- for back to Lucknow. But Murtaza and in Indian courts have little impact as
marriages, hail from ily who ruined her life completely. months later on June 18, 2014, that her extracurricular activities, this they can’t be served to accused living
M Punjab and Kerala. Eight years back, when Lucknow she received her divorce letter poetess, table tennis player, debater abroad.
Many victims belong to other states girl, Zuby Zaidi acquired her law de- through mail. While Murtaza holds seems lost and forlorn. at a glance “It has been four years and even
too. Foreign laws, lack of any finan- gree, little did she know that the first a US citizenship, his parents highly “My sixth sense warned me. But I after the orders of the court by
cial or emotional support in the legal case she would be handling placed and influential have been had no facts to substantiate my feel- It is the efforts of the likes of Zuby hon’ble judge Indra Prakash Sir,
foreign lands make these overseas would be her own. An NRI jilted staying in UAE for the last 45 years. ings. The fact that the groom was that has motivated the Government ACJM CBI who instructed to arrest
brides accept their fate and live lives bride, Zuby Zaidi has been fighting At the time of marriage Zuby was nearly 15 years older was not consid- of India to intensify its efforts in this the culprits immediately and to can-
of misery and torture. This NRI bride for justice for the last four years 26 and her groom 40. Highly edu- ered a good enough reason to reject directions. Some of the measures taken cel/hold their visa and passport by
from Uttar Pradesh, however, re- against the NRI fraudulent marriage cated, full of zeal she was at the peak him by my family” said Zuby regret- include. the concerning authorities as they
ting that she did not listen to her • Rehabilitation and Repatriation: are absconders and not appearing in
inner voice. Seems it got lost in the Legal and financial assistance to NRI front of the court for legal proceed-
hustle bustle and excitement of set- brides deserted in foreign countries ings. Non-bailable warrant was is-
tling down in magical Dubai. She too is being provided by the missions and sued against husband ,father ,moth-
got carried away and joined the fam- to get their dues. er, sister and brother-in-law,” she
ily in making it a fairytale wedding • Awareness cum publicity campaign: said adding that her sister & brother
which she claimed cost her 30 lakhs. Educating and sensitizing those in law got bail from court & misusing
A week after the marriage her stepping into overseas marriages. that are threatening her.
husband and in laws went back to These pamphlets are distributed Life for Zuby and her parents will
Dubai. Zuby got busy in getting her through State Governments for dis- never be the same again. Her life is
legal documents made. It was month tribution through Village Panchay- centered around the court and hos-
later that Murtaza returned and they ats, Anganwadis, Railway Stations, pitals, fighting for justice, catering to
both flew back together to UAE to Airports, Hospitals /Dispensaries, her sick parents. She is now an estab-
what she thought would be her per- NGOs/Self Help Groups etc. lished lawyer and provides free legal
manent abode. advice to all NRI deserted brides,
It was here that she got her first who are not aware of their rights, are
big jolt. Murtaza was bald and had her in-laws apologised in front of the illiterate or are too poor to fight legal
so far been faking with a wig. But the cousin and assured her this would battles.
biggest jolt came when she received never happen again. Zuby has created a Facebook page
a call from the US from Rinnie. She “He convinced her that he would for NRI jilted brides . Here the victims
not only claimed to be his legally mend their ways and that he will can contact her for advice.
wedded first wife but they also had take good care of me,” said Zuby add- She has been writing to minis-
a child. The confrontation with Mur- ing that even her in-laws apologised tries, politicians and organisations
taza revealed that Rinnie was right. to me for what they did to me . like National Women Commission,
What followed was a saga of torture Back home the news had shat- on this issue and her own efforts
and blackmail. An infuriated Mur- tered Zuby’s parents and they both to procure justice for such ill-fated
taza took away her passport and visa became bed-ridden. Murtaza con- brides.
and threatened her with dire conse- vinced me to accompany him to
quences if she revealed anything to India to see them. On this pretext he
tehelka / 15 may 2018 44 tehelka / 15 may 2018 45
44-45 Kulsum.indd 2-3 02/05/18 5:41 PM