Page 37 - Tehelka Issue 8&9
P. 37

column                                                                                             banking

                                                                           • Taking charge  It was not an easy task to
 Can Chanda Kochhar come                                                   fit into the big shoes of Kamath but Chanda
                                                                           Kochhar did that quite effortlessly
 out of conflict of interest?                                              managing trustee.

                                                                           Support for Chanda Kochhar
                                                                           Venugopal Dhoot, Chairman of Vide-
                                                                           ocon Industries, who is in the eyes
 News &   Even as ICICI Bank chairman gives her a clean chit, only a thorough   of storm has come out in support
 probe by the central agency would uncover the mystery behind the
 views  alleged nexus between Kochhar’s husband and Videocon chairman      of Chanda Kochhar saying that “the
                                                                           ICICI Bank has already clarified that
 Bharat hiteshi                                                            I have not been given any favour as I
                                                                           have not received a loan from ICICI
 hough ICICI Bank chairman   Group. Her association with ICICI dates       alone — Videocon Industries took
 Hiteshi is an    MK Sharma has given a   back to 1984, when she joined as a man-  loans from a consortium led by the
 independent journalist-  clean chit to the Managing   agement trainee at Industrial Credit and   State Bank of India. This was done
 turned-author and a   Director and Chief Execu-  Investment Corporation of India Limited   after a high degree of credit appraisal
 political commentator.   tive Officer of bank, Chanda   (ICICI), which later became ICICI Bank   through range of issues but the   ed to Venugopal Dhoot’s Videocon   by the bankers as they found Vide-
 The views expressed   T Kochhar, in allegations of   Limited. One of her biggest achieve-  problem of bad loans stuck and   group and funding of the NuPower   ocon to be a very lucrative invest-
 are his own  impropriety against her in Videocon   ments was to oversee the establishment   these have jumped from  9416 crore   Renewables, a company founded by   ment because of its oil assets. When
 loan case, would she be able to come out   of the bank’s retail franchise. In 2000,   in June 2009 to  46,039 crore in   Deepak Kochhar and others.   the matter came to the ICICI Bank
 of it? What compounds her problems is   Kochhar’s predecessor K.V. Kamath   December 2017. Proportionately, the   The  3,250 crore was part of a   Board, Chanda Kochhar was not the
 that the CBI and SEBI are going ahead to   asked her to build the bank’s retail busi-  gross NPA ratio went up from 4.63   loan of about  40,000 crore that   Chairperson but one of the members
 probe the alleged nexus between hus-  ness from scratch. Between then and   per cent in June 2009 quarter to 7.82   the Videocon Group had received   of the committee.
 band of Chanda Kochhar and Videocon   her taking over as CEO in May 2009, the   per cent by December 2017 quarter.   from a consortium of 20 banks led   Till the time the matter comes to
 chairman Venugopal Dhoot.  share of retail loans in the book grew to   With the ICICI Bank embroiled in a   by the State Bank of India. While the   the Board, Chanda Kochhar did not
 Not only that the CBI has arrested   nearly over 54 per cent. Chanda Kocchar,   controversy over alleged conflict of   current outstanding of the group   know which proposal was coming
 Chanda Kochhar’s brother-in-law Rajiv   who won the Padma Bhushan award   interest involving its CEO Chanda   against ICICI Bank loan stands at   so she could not have influenced
 Kochhar and stopped him from board-  in 2011, is also known for leading other   Kochhar, market regulator SEBI has   2,849 crore, the specific account   it. I have not invested 64 crore in
 ing a flight from Mumbai to Singapore,   initiatives such as adopting 600 villages   begun looking into the matter for any   was declared non-performing asset   NuPower nor issued any money to
 he was picked up by Central Bureau of   and providing them a digital ecosystem.   possible disclosure and corporate   last year. NuPower Renewables was   Deepak Kochhar. Then where is the
 Investigation sleuths and taken to an   She is also known for speaking about   governance-related lapses. The CBI   incorporated in December 2008 by   question of any quid pro quo? The
 undisclosed destination for questioning.  gender issues and talked about how ICICI   has by now examined some officials   Deepak Kochhar, Dhoot and others   ICICI Bank board has also come out in
 According to sources, a lookout cir-  has fostered a culture of gender equality.   of ICICI Bank in connection with a   and Dhoot later resigned as direc-  strong support of Chanda Kochhar. In
 cular had been issued against Rajiv and   A graduate of the Jamnalal Bajaj Institute   preliminary enquiry involving the   tor in January 2009 and sold all his   a statement, the ICICI Bank said that
 other members of the Kochhar family   of Management Studies, then Chanda   husband of Chanda Kochhar, and    shares. It allegedly received  64 crore   “ICICI Bank was not the lead bank
 so that none of them could leave the   Advani met her husband Deepak Koch-  the Videocon Group, pertaining to   through Supreme Energy, which was   for this consortium and the bank
 country. The CBI has filed for a prelimi-  har there.  a loan  3,250 crore extended to the   later allegedly taken over by a trust,   only sanctioned its share of facilities
 nary enquiry against Chanda Kochhar,   It was not an easy task to fit into the   latter.   in which Deepak Kochhar was the   aggregating approximately  3, 250
 her husband Deepak and brother-in-  big shoes of Kamath but she did that   Deepak Kochhar and Videocon   crore which was less than 10 per cent
 law Rajiv and others as part of a probe   quite effortlessly. The ICICI Bank is the   have been mentioned in the prelimi-  of the total consortium facility in
 into the  3,250-crore loan issued to the   second largest new generation bank   nary enquiry by the CBI. The agency   April 2012.”
 Videocon group in 2012. The preliminary   in the country and a thorough probe is   may convert the preliminary enquiry   There are reports   Stating that there was no conflict
 enquiry comes after reports alleged that   called for into the alleged “quid pro quo”   into a regular FIR after determining   of interest involved, the bank said
 financial dealings of Deepak’s compa-  by independent agencies to get to the   that there is prima facie a case per-  alleging that   none of the NuPower Renewables
 nies coincided with the big loans made   whole truth. The allegation that Koch-  taining to the allegations. Similarly, if   Videocon’s Dhoot   investors were its borrowers. It
 by ICICI Bank to Videocon. Rajiv, who   har’s husband, Deepak Kochhar gained   there is not enough evidence than the   said Chanda Kochhar had made all
 runs a firm, Avista Advisory, in Singapore   undue favours from industrialist Venu-  preliminary enquiry can be closed by   had through   necessary disclosures to the board in
 is reported to have business dealings   gopal Dhoot after the bank approved a   the agency.  another entity   advance as per the regulatory guide-
 with several companies that had bor-  loan of over  3,000 crore six years ago,   There are reports alleging that   lines. In view of support pouring in
 rowed money from ICICI Bank but are   needs to be investigated. The Videocon   Videocon’s Dhoot had through   Supreme Energy   for Chanda Kochhar it seems that
 now facing bankruptcy.  account is now a Non Performing Asset   another entity Supreme Energy made   made investments   only a thorough probe by the Central
 Surprisingly, the bank board has   (NPA) and it arouses huge suspicion.  investments in Deepak Kochhar’s   agency would uncover the mystery of
 expressed full faith in its MD and CEO,   firm. According to the CBI, the pre-  in Deepak   conflict of interest.
 Chanda Kochhar apparently because   Crux of the issue  liminary enquiry has begun into an   Kochhar’s firm
 of her long association with the ICICI   Ironically Chanda Kochhar waded   alleged link between the loan extend-

 Tehelka / 15 may 2018  36  Tehelka / 15 may 2018  37

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