Page 30 - Tehelka Issue 8&9
P. 30

In a region where
                                                                                                                                                           domestic abuse is                                    women abuse
                                                                                                                                                           often unreported,
                                                                                                                                                           the crime branch
                                                                                                                                                           was able to
             n 2004, Jameela (name changed)   archal structures that have given men
             was coerced into marrying Mo-  unchecked power and authority. This                                                                            document six                   our out-patient and hospital settings,
             hammad Mustafa Dar, a jawan   change is majorly happening in the                                                                              dowry deaths in                we find most of the cases pertaining to
             in the Central Industrial Security   urban areas where women now have a                                                                                                      emotional, verbal and financial abuse
         I Force, and a resident of central   better understanding of law and rights                                                                       2015, six in 2016              and fewer cases of physical abuse.”
         Kashmir’s Budgam district. A year later,  due to awareness camps that different                                                                   and eight in 2017                Patients do not open up about physi-
         physical abuses were meted out to her   non-profit organisation like Kashmir                                                                                                     cal violence on their own, so, doctors
         by her husband.                  Women’s Collective and other groups                                                                                                             discover that something is amiss on
           Jameela had lived all her life in the   organised working for the welfare of                                                                  and in 2016, the year in which Kashmir  digging deeper into patient’s history
         uptown Srinagar. She had agreed to   women in Jammu and Kashmir.                                                                                was under curfew for 60 days received  and probing questions.
         marry under parental pressure, and   Shaheen (name changed), a resi-                                                                            177 complaints respectively. However,   At the Women’s Commission, Me-
         when she sought help from her par-  dent of south Kashmir’s Kulgam area                                                                         there is a huge increase in cases in past  hjoor  said  her  team  is  organising
         ents against the violence she faced in   was married off to Rafiq in an arranged                                                                one year. Mehjoor said, “The commis-  workshops and programmes to create
         her marital home, she was asked to   marriage tradition set-up in August                                                                        sion registered a total of 335 cases from  awareness among the people.
         “compromise” in order to avoid social   2017. To her surprise, the mistreatment                                                                 January 1st to December 30th, 2017. Out   Srinagar’s crime branch has regis-
         stigmas.                                                                                                                                        of these 335 cases, 277 are from Kash-  tered 342 cases of cruelty by husband in
           “He would often beat me with a belt,”                                                                                                         mir division and 58 are from Jammu   2016, and 353 in 2017.
         Jameela said, “Even an argument would                                                                          • wife’s life Srinagar’s crime branch registered   division. Among these cases, approxi-  In a region where domestic abuse
         lead to serious beating and abuse.”  Domestic violence is                                                      353 cases of cruelty by husband in 2017  mately 95 per cent cases are of matri-  is often unreported, the crime branch
           The violence continued and Jameela                                                                                                            monial disputes i.e. abuse, divorce, child  was able to document six dowry deaths
         stayed on, giving birth to three children.                                                                                                      custody, and maintenance. ”      in 2015, six in 2016 and eight in 2017.
         Eventually, she was diagnosed with var-  on the rise in Kashmir                                                straints are a major roadblock before   “Men were confined to their homes   In Kashmir, the emphasis of legal
         ious stress-related diseases.                                                                                  her as she is financially dependent on   due to the continuous political unsatu-  institutions is not on registering cas-
           One fine day, Jameela got a chance                                                                           her retired father and an ailing mother.  ration prevailing in the state,” Mehjoor   es but on ensuring compromise and
         to meet a lawyer in Srinagar by mere                                                                              “In such situations what can one   told Tehelka explaining the reason for   reconciliation. Jameela, who fought a
         luck. The meeting changed her life. On   The issue of domestic violence against women in Kashmir often         do? She is in a circumstance where PO   the increase in cases.    case against her husband, was hopeful
         hearing Jameela’s story, the lawyer not   gets snubbed due to focus on conflict, unrest and politics. In 2017,   (Protection Officer) only can help her   Although, State Women’s Commis-  that things will change for better but it
         only counselled her but helped Jameela                                                                         in order to get financial aid or any free    sion claims they have resolved a maxi-  went worst.
         to file a complaint against her husband   J&K registered 335 cases of domestic abuse, a sharp surge from       legal help. The job of a PO (usually a    mum number of cases through coun-  Her husband was ordered by the
         under Section 498A. The Section deals   177 the previous year, writes safina nabi                              social activist) is to connect a domestic   selling but in reality, there is not even a  high court to pay her an equal share
         with cruelty at the hands of the hus-                                                                          violence victim to the police or hospi-  single trained counsellor appointed by   from the sale proceeds of their house
         band or in-laws.                                                                                               tal or any place that the victim needs to  the commission who can counsel the   which  he  sold  fraudulently.  After
           Traditionally, women in Jammu and   started after three days of her marriage.  she was diagnosed with some major   visit immediately but the government   victims. Only one law officer is available  receiving over 10 lakh rupees as com-
         Kashmir have quietly suffered violence   Being a newlywed bride, she was ap-  health issues. Shaheen was advised to   said it has no funds for creation of fun-  to counsels the victims single-handedly.  pensation from her husband, she will-
         at home. Suicides, bride burning and   prehensive to discuss the matter with   take complete bed rest. “Rafiq was well   damental positions under the law to   “There are a lot of factors that lead   ingly handed over the amount to her
         dowry cases have not made it to the    her parents about her marital life and   aware of my poor health condition and   make its implementation effective,”    to domestic violence in a conflict zone.   brothers with the hope that they will
         local papers; leave alone to the court    the problems she was facing.  the complications I had despite that on   explains advocate Subreen Malik.  There is also an increase in reports of   deposit it in the bank on her name, but
         of law.                            After few weeks when Shaheen   one night he forced himself that result-        The domestic violence law provides   abuse but we still have to walk a long   they deceived her and took away all the
           Many such incidents go unreported   found her husband spending hours   ed in a miscarriage.”                 for the appointment of the Protection   path as we have just touched the peak   money. Jameela is now caught between
         and thus, the guilty gets no punishment.  conversing on phone, she grew suspi-  Shaheen, who now lives with her   Officers (PO) to ensure justice to the vic-  of an iceberg,” Mehjoor added.  her abuser husband and fraud brothers.
         Even if such events do get reported, the  cious. “One day, I generally asked him   parents, holds an M.Ed. and M.Phil    tims under Sub Section 1 of Section (8)   Psychologists are unable to draw any   Today, Jameela has no choice but to
         conviction rate is low or say negligible.  why your behaviour towards me is   degree from Kashmir University.  of the Act.                      conclusions since no extensive study or  compromise with her abusive husband
           “In Kashmir, everything becomes   cold? To which Rafiq furiously replied,   Now, when the matter has been       “The Jammu and Kashmir Protection  research has been carried out, but they  and live with him as she has no place
         subservient to the larger political con-  I had an affair with a girl and wanted to  highlighted to the Mohalla commit-  of Women from Domestic Violence Act,  too believe that the rise in complaints   to go.
         flict and what does not suit the politi-  marry her but my parents disapproved  tee, Rafiq is requesting her to accept   2010, is incomplete without Protection   of domestic abuse reflects the under-  She was forced to take this decision
         cal agenda, statist or separatist, is given  it. Now, I will show them what I can do   an apology. “Recently, I went to Jammu   Officers (PO) and Shelter Homes (SH)   lying political conflict as well as poor   as there is no state protection for such
         no importance,” said Mantasha Binti   and you will have to face the brunt.”  with my father to see my sister, there I   for the victims of domestic violence,”   understanding of the rights among the   cases. Jameela said, “I was not able to
         Rashid, a Srinagar-based civil servant   With this hope that time will set   heard that Rafiq had falsely told people   Subreen further added.  women.                           mend this relationship despite fac-
         and gender expert.               things right, Shaheen began to put in   that I had eloped with a man to Rajas-   “The number of cases of abuse re-  “Earlier, the awareness regarding   ing all the problems, so, I decided to
           She said that this is the reason that   additional efforts to smoothen relation-  than just to defame me. Now, how can   ported at the Jammu and Kashmir State  domestic abuse was less which could   move out with this hope that time will
         violence against women not only goes   ship with her husband Rafiq and save   I even go back to him and accept the   Commission for Women has increased   be a cause for under-reporting,” said   heal everything slowly, but, everything
         unnoticed but is given no importance   the nuptial knot, but, he began to abuse  apology?” Shaheen stated.     since it was formed in 2000,” said Nay-  Dr.YumanKawoos, a senior resident   turned upside down. I just want to give
         and is very often denied.        and insult her right before his parents,   Shaheen is not ready for any nego-  eema Ahmad Mehjoor, Chairperson of   doctor at the psychiatry department,   my children a better life now, which is
           However, women are slowly begin-  in a way to malign her image.  tiation. She doesn’t want to go back to     the J&K State Commission for Women.  Government Medical College, Srinagar.  filled with love and not violence.”
         ning to speak up against their attack-  After few months, Shaheen became   him but definitely wants to file a case   In 2014, the Commission received   “People still don’t know the differ-
         ers as well as the unquestioned patri-  pregnant. When she visited the doctor,   against Rafiq, however, financial con-  142 complaints, 155 complaints in 2015   ence between tolerance and abuse. In

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