Page 37 - English Tehelka Issue 6 - March 31, 2018
P. 37

column                                                                                             banking

 Nirav Modi scam: Bank                                                            misuse of the system? Why

                                                                                  do the same set of business-
 officers hold RBI responsible                                                    men get contracts abroad?
                                                                                  Why are these business-
                                                                                  men showcased abroad and
                                                                                  why are they selected by
                                                                                  the Prime Minister’s Officer
 News &   Pointing out failures of the RBI and the Centre, the banking sector     (PMO) and Finance Ministry
 has expressed that PSBs play a key role in the Indian economy that
 views  needs a strong system to expand on the growth trajectory                  instead of industry associa-
                                                                                  tions, which was the practise
 Bharat hiteshi                                                                   earlier?”
                                                                                     Accordion to AIBOC,
 s the country reels under   ment, which is now a bigger and more                 only 11,643 borrowers in the
 Hiteshi is an    the shock of multiple   dangerous issue given the impunity with   country have availed 38 per
 independent journalist-  bank frauds and thepo-  which bank officials have participated   cent of the total loans given
 turned-author and a   tential impact of lakhs   in fraud. However, the Bank Officers   by banking sector as on
 political commentator.   of crores of bad loans in   Confederation has a different take and   March 2016. Just 12 NPA ac-
 The views expressed   A the banking system, the   makes some important points about   counts have an outstanding
 are his own  All India Bank Officers’ Confederation   the accountability of regulators and the   of  2.50 lakh crore and 84
 (AIBOC) has asked the government to   government.                                per cent of the NPAs belong
 stop the blame game in bank frauds and   DT Franco, General Secretary of         to corporates. Every year
 instead make the Reserve Bank of India   AIBOC, said, “Much is talked and written   banks writeoff thousands of
 (RBI) take responsibility for introduc-  about scams in the banking sector after   crores for there corporates,
 ing new systems and for failure in bank   the Nirav Modi scam in Punjab National   which is the biggest scam.
 supervision.  Bank (PNB). Why do the RBI, Finance                                The Federation of Indian
 Regulatory agencies, including the   Ministry, Central Vigilance Commission      Chambers of Commerce
 central bank, need to become more vigi-  (CVC) and others wake up only when a    and Industry (FICCI) and the
 lant and the role of auditors needs to be   major scam surfaces? Why are we not   • Job half done  Nirav Modi episode points   are banks forced into other activities   Associations of Chambers
 probed further. Banks are already being   analyzing the failure of the system?   out that those who were to monitor    like Aadhaar linkage, Aadhaar enrol-  of Commerce of India (Assocham)
 audited multiple times and, hence, there   What is the role of the Government   transactions failed at their job  ment, selling pension scheme of the   should ask their members to be
 is need for a regulatory agency to make   and its policies which cause system   Government and cross-selling. These   honest and repay the loans instead of
 sure that auditors are playing their due   failures and scams?” There have been   are major reasons for weakening su-  demanding privatisation.”
 role. As the Nirav Modi-Punjab National   infamous scams such as those pertain-  to increase them credits that would   pervision. Why is the RBI still hesitant   Blaming the RBI for not publishing
 Bank (PNB) scam unfolds, it is clear that   ing to Harshad Mehta, Ketan Parekh and   give better taxes for the country? It   to publish list of defaulters and thus   list of NPA borrowers and introduc-
 those who were to monitor transactions   the non-performing asset (NPA) scam,   is a well-known fact that the SWIFT   allowing them to run away from the   ing new mechanism to help corpo-
 failed at their job.   which have not yet been declared as   has been used for frauds from the   country. Why does the Prime Min-  rates, the bank officers’ union says,
 It must be recalled that one of the fall-  ‘scams’ by the Government or the RBI   nineties and there are many reported   ister take with him on foreign tours   “The RBI is the one which introduced
 outs of the scandal surrounding the US   due to misuse of the loopholes in the   hacks of SWIFT. Why did the RBI and   businessmen who are known for   Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR),
 energy company Enron was the closure   system. „In India, the political economy   the Government not intervene to   Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR),
 of reputed accounting firm Arthur An-  circumscribes the quality of regulation   correct the system? What happened   Sustainable Structuring of Stressed
 dersen. In our country too, stern action   and internal control policies at banks.   to supervision and audit? Why did   Assets or S4A, asset quality review
 must be taken against auditing agencies.   It is important to appreciate this while   the RBI failed in supervision? Is it   The key issue   (AQR) and Prompt Corrective Action
 At the same time, greater autonomy   fixing responsibility for the bad loans   because the RBI has been busy with   (PCA). None of them have helped
 needs to be given to state-run banks. The   and large frauds at public sector banks   other things like demonetisation?   of bank chief   the banks but they have helped the
 issue of appointments of bank chiefs,   (PSBs),“ observed the AIBOC .  They are still counting the notes even   appointments,   corporates to loot. With the revised
 for instance, is a key issue meant to be   About the misuse of letters of under-  after a year! Has RBI lost its auton-  norms the banks will have to declare
 handled by the relatively new Banks   taking (LoU) in the recent Nirav Modi   omy?” The bank officers also raised   that falls within   2 lakh crore more as NPAs and
 Board Bureau. Instead, it seems to re-  fraud case, Franco said, „In this case,   several questions on transfer and   the purview of the   provide 50 per cent provision for
 main within the purview of the Finance   when a buyer’s credit is available for   appointment of another person as   them. This is going to make all the
 Ministry. All these issues will now have   importers, then why did the RBI intro-  Managing Director at PNB, while it is   Finance Ministry,   banks in the country to become red.
 to be reviewed and overhauled in light of   duce LoUs, which is not in vogue among   the job of the Banking Board’s Bureau   This will lead to a financial crisis like
 the worsening news from banks.  foreign banks? What was the necessity   headed by Vinod Rai to make such   is meant to be   the US crisis of 2008. The Govern-
 The Bank Officers Confederation had   for RBI to encourage imports by help-  appointments.    handled by the   ment may announce a financial
 earlier objected to banks being burdened   ing the borrower to get cheaper credit   Explaining reasons for weak su-  emergency and handover banks to
 with the responsibility of Aadhaar enrol-  abroad instead of helping Indian Banks   pervision in banks, AIBOC said, “Why   Banks Board Bureau  the corporates. This will be a danger

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