Page 58 - English Tehelka Issue 7 - April 15, 2018
P. 58

Book review

                                                                                                                         remembering the
         clue that he played cricket                                                                                                                                                     break this rule,” Nevile said.
         for India. But when Shikhar                                                                                                                                                        And even here he follows a certain
         Dhawan touched his feet,                                                                                        subcontinent’s legends                                          rule — he writes long hand. No comput-
         with disarming innocence                                                                                                                                                        ers for him. Just sheets of paper and the
         and simplicity, Pyarelal                                                                                                                                                        good old pencil, which he uses in that
         extended to him a warm                                                                                          of Classical music                                              un-stoppable way to jot down his expe-
         invitation to lunch.                                                                                                                                                            riences and interactions and meetings
           Their fans are found                                                                                                                                                          with the who’s who of the world of clas-
         around the world — from                                                                                         While writing about the professional and personal lives of the   sical music and arts and literature.
         Birmingham, UK to                                                                                               singers were deeply affected by the Partition, the author stays    Though this volume is laced with de-
         Houston, Texas and all the                                                                                      away from the politics of the era, Humra QuraisHi writes        tails of the entire range of classical sing-
         way down under. Their                                                                                                                                                           ers, renderers, performers of the years
         recordings for Coke Studio                                                                                                                                                      gone by, one name stood out — Lahore’s
         got millions of hits. Their                                                                                                ne of the oldest surviving  passionate players is indeed long!  Tamancha Jaan. And as I read his essay
         episode on the popular Ka-                                                                                                 writers in this part of the   And whilst reading the long and  on her, whom he describes as “a star
         pil Sharma Show attracted                                                                                                  subcontinent, 95-year- short details to each one of these  men  of the 1940s”, what  also caught my at-
         over three million viewers.                                                                                                old  diplomat  turned  and women, what comes across as  tention were her  two accompanying
         They have inspired a whole                                                                                                 author Pran Nevile, is  somewhat surprising is the fact that  photographs. One of her prime and the
         generation of listeners and                                                                                    O not halting the flow of  Pran Nevile does not dwell on  any of  other of the ageing years. Pran Nevile
         singers. Sonny of the USA-                                                                                      words. One book after another —  La- the political  build ups of that bygone  had last met this singer in around the
         based Riyaaz Qawali group                                                                                       hore: A Sentimental Journey, Love Stories  era; not to be overlooked is the vital fact  year 2000 in Lahore and to quote him
         admits to “the debt that they                                                                                   From the Raj, Nautch Girls of India, Rare  that when those classical strains were  from his essay, “Meeting Tamancha Jaan
         owe to the Wadali brothers”.                                                                                    Glimpses of the Raj, Raj Revisited, KL Sai- coming through, the country was going  after nearly 52 years was a moving and
           The distinctiveness of                                                                                        gal: Immortal Singer and Superstar, Mar- through politically turbulent times. One  a memorable experience during my
         their music, that brings to                                                                                     vels of Indian Painting, Behind The Veil:  of those turning points in the recent his- visit to Lahore. Who is Tamancha Jaan?
         their ever-growing audi-                                                                                        Indian Women In The Raj, Sahib’s India:  tory of the country — the very Partition- A singer nonpareil, now forgotten, she
         ence the ‘baani’ of Sufi saints like Amir   Puranchand’s son Lakhwinder and   Shri in 2005, went only to Puranchand.   Vignettes From the Raj, Stories From The  ing phase.     was the reigning  queen of song during
         Khusro, Bulle Shah, Ghulam Farid,   Pyarelal’s son Satpal.       He put up a big fight before the govern-       Raj: Sahibs, Memsahibs and Others, Care-  “No, I didn’t want any politics to come  the 40s in Hira Mandi, the entertain-
         Shah Hussain, Sultan Bahu, Kabir and   Pyarelal has had more than one   ment claiming that it should be given to   free Days: Many Roles, Many Lives.   in the writings. After all, I was concen- ment quarter of  Lahore…”
         Guru Nanak, is in the classical base   near-death experiences. Twice he had   the two brothers as one unit. Eventu-  And now, this spring, comes the lat- trating and focusing on the classical
         of their music, and the strong  Bhakti   severe cerebral fever attacks. While   ally, the government had its way on the   est from Pran Nevile — Passionate Play- singers of this subcontinent. Till date I   • • •
         emotion. Believing that their music   through the power of western medi-  argument that he deserved it before   ers (BookWise), which as the title relays  have avoided writing or focusing on any   What makes this volume different is
         makes you one with God, the two have   cine, he recovered the first time, his   his disciple, Pyarelal, but it certainly   are essays on legends of the world of  type of politics or politicians. Even when  the fact that besides details of the sing-
         been critical of those who claim to sing   brother is convinced that the second   testifies to the deep love between the   classical music — K L Saigal, Pankaj Mul- I’m invited to literature festivals in Paki- ers’ professional lives, there’s much
         Sufiana Kalam but present their albums  time round it was a case of ‘deus ex   two brothers and how Puranchand did   lick, Master Madan, Kanan Devi, Khur- stan I never comment on politics. I tell  focus on their personal aspects. And in
         with a bevy of dancers surrounding   machina’ as a Sufi saint healed him,   everything to protect and ensure that   shid, Tamancha  Jaan, Suraiya, Noor  the audience that I’ll not entertain que- the essay on Master Madan, the child
         them.”How can that be Sufiana?’’ al-  leading the brothers to dedicate them-  his beloved Pyarelal got a good and fair   Jahan, Jahanara  Kajjan — the list of the  ries related to diplomatic or political re- prodigy, who died before he turned 15
         ways questioned a perplexed Pyarelal.   selves with greater fervour to a divine   deal. That is why today we cannot imag-                                   lations between the two  yet left such a mark that till date he’s
           Over the years, what was remark-  calling of their music.      ine what the senior Wadali is going                                                        countries…it’s the same  considered a genius, Nevile focuses not
         able is how they learnt to adapt their   Their popularity brought them   through as he says the final farewell to                                           set of rules I follow here.  just on his outstanding talent but also on
         music to the expectations from their   jointly the coveted Sangeet Natak   his ‘jodidaar’ Pyare!                                                            I can write volumes on  his death. He was poisoned to death by
         audience. “There is an advantage of   Akademi award in 1991. But the Padma   I cannot believe that the duo whose                                            any given topic related  his rivals, who mixed mercury in milk
         singing Sufiana Kalam. Though it has a                           rendition of the Heer, the farewell song                                                   to music and arts and  and poison in his paan. And of course,
         structure and composition like classical                         for the bride, in the melody of the ‘sada                                                  culture but not on poli- little -heard -of details to Suraiya, Geeta
         music, it is so vast that one can branch   The duo excelled in   suhagan’ raag Bharavi, which never                                                         tics. I’m never going to  Dutt, Kanan Devi, Jahanara Kajjan, Noor
         off in any direction — singing fast beats                        failed to move me to inconsolable                                                                                      Jehan, Khurshid, Pankaj Mul-
         for the younger crowd or slow rhyth-  almost all genres,         sobs, will never be hard again. I cannot                                                                               lick, KL Saigal, Rani  Jindan,
         mic ones for a more sober audience,’’   from Sufi qalaam,        forget how each time that they caught                                                                     Passionate   Muddupalani, Begum Sum-
         maintained Pyarelal.                                             me crying uncontrollably they would                                                                       Players — a   roo, Lal Kunwar.  This volume
           The brothers did not run a formal   qawwali and                always apologize for the ‘zulm’— torture                                                                  selection of   is for those who are passionate
         academy but taught many youngsters   kaafi, to bhajans,          they thought they were doing to me. It                                                                     Writings    enough to know more details
         who proved to them that they are                                 was certainly their doing. They had that                                                                  by Pran  nevile  of the lives of the passionate
         serious about their pursuit of music   shabads and               power. Rest in peace, Pyarelal ji! Today,                                                                 bookWise (india)  players of yesteryears.
         and that they recognised its spiritual   ghazals                 the Heer sings for you.                                                                                     190 pp;  475
         powers. Amongst their students are                                                                                                                        

                                         Tehelka / 15 april 2018  58

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