Page 51 - English Tehelka Issue 7 - April 15, 2018
P. 51

he game of cricket and the   stood by, denying the tampering of the   questions than it will answer. Smith had
 image of a great cricketing   ball. But when more images appeared   said in his presser that the plan for tam-
 nation, Australia, have been   on the TV, someone from the dug-out   pering the ball was prepared by a group
 severely dented by the acts   apparently sent a message to the play-  of “senior team leaders.” Who are these
 T of the Aussie players dur-  ers to hide the offending yellow strip.   team leaders? Did Smith mean only
 ing the on-going Test series against   That “someone” is believed to be the   Warner and himself as “leaders”? What
 South Africa. And that image-dent is   head coach, Darrel Lehmann.  about the coach? Even if we believe
 unlikely to be repaired soon following   The cricketing storm has already   Sutherland that the coach Lehmann did
 what seemed at first like a questionable  soiled the image of the entire Austral-  not know about the ball tampering plan
 quantum of punishment announced   ian nation, forcing their Prime Minister  and got a wind of it only when things
 by the Cricket Australia’s (CA) chief ex-  Malcolm Turnbull to make a forceful   began to unfold in front of the cameras
 ecutive, James Sutherland against three  official and political intervention. The   on the field, did he at any stage call the
 players involved in the ball tampering   Prime Minister’s words were seeped   players in for an explanation? Did he at
 scandal in South Africa-Skipper Steven  in emotion and his tone had profound   any stage inform CA of what had actu-
 Smith, Vice Captain David Warner and   diplomatic wisdom. This fully reflected   ally transpired? If yes, what did he tell
 rookie opener Bancroft who have been  the mood of the nation: “This has been   Cricket Australia about the incident?   bowlers would actually have used it   Announcing   • Ball talks David Warner has apologised for
 served a 12 month ban .  a shocking affront to Australia,” he   Was he supposed to just look the other   merely by looking at the ball, even then   his role in ball-tampering scandal
 What seemed even more shocking   said,adding, “How many of us as fathers  way even after the scandal came to his   does it convince anyone that the sol-  the quantum
 than the leniency shown to the  players  and mothers have had children who   notice?  diers for whom the cannon was being   be good to remember that none of us is
 is the certificate of moral courage is-  have looked up to the Australian team,   Finally — and most importantly —   readied were kept in the dark about the   of punishment,   a saint and all of us have at one time or
         kind and quality of the cannon?   Sutherland said,               the other been guilty of conduct which
           More likely, Cricket Australia tried   “There was courage      cannot be called honest — conduct far
 Smith, Warner, Bancroft Smithgate:   large and they are tampering with in-  in (Steve Smith’s)   found guilty of. We may not have been
                                                                          worse than these players have been
         a “reverse  swing”  on  the  public  at
                                                                          caught cheating but that doesn’t make
         formation even more brazenly than
                                           admitting the guilt.”
 He who hasn’t sinned…..  the players tampered with the ball.    What courage is   us saints. And we have never done what
         Sutherland’s clean chit to the head
                                                                          these players are doing — offering apol-
                                                                          ogies for our conduct.
         coach Darrel Lehmann apart, his obser-
         vation that this was the only instance
                                                                             Having stripped Smith of the Aus-
         of the Aussies indulging in this kind   Sutherland talking       tralian Captaincy, openly dubbing him
 The recent ball-tampering episode involving Smith, Warner and Bancroft must    of cheating beggars serious questions.   guilty of cheating, Cricket Australia’s
                                                                          best course now would be to look be-
         What about Steve Smith’s “brain fade”
 be dealt with strictly to set the right precedent and maintain the glory of the game    while seeking help from the pavilion   yond the moment and to keep the
 of cricket, harcharan bains writes  for a DRS request? And why is every-  While deciding the final quantum   doors open for all the players to be al-
         one, from Kevin Pieterson to Stuart   of punishment that Smith and co must   lowed to make amends for their guilt.
         Broad, pointing out that the Aussies   be handed down by the Cricket World   As Kevin Peiterson has said, “All of them
         routinely reverse the ball “in a way that  and more importantly, by us, the peo-  deserve a second chance. They are god
 sued by Sutherland to Steve Smith. An-  who have looked up to their role mod-  how much can Cricket Australia be   is not ordinary?  ple, we must keep in mind the tremen-  guys caught in a bad place.” The holier-
 nouncing the quantum of punishment,   els, their idols.”  trusted? Is their conduct any different   On an earlier occasion in which   dous services this iconic cricketer has   than-thou self-righteousness is all very
 Sutherland said, “There was courage in   Turnbull said that cricketers as role   from the conduct of the players them-  Smith had been found guilty of an ob-  rendered to Australia and to the game.   well but at stake is not just the career of
 (Steve Smith’s) admitting the guilt.” Sad-  models enjoy respect and love far high-  selves? The players tampered with the   scenity rant against the New Zeland   And we must also remember that all   three great players but also of our own
 ly, the players never admitted their guilt  er than political leaders in the country.   ball but the CA it seems is tampering   cricketers and the umpires, he had   three players have offered emotional   ability to forgive and move on. We are
 on their own and in fact kept denying it   Seldom , if ever, has the Prime Min-  with truth. it wants us to believe that   “I’ll cop that on the chin and I need to   public apologies and have been seen   people with families and many of us of
 when questioned by the umpires. It was  ister or the President of a major nation   only three players were involved in the   be better as a leader. For me it’s about   to be going through a period of acute   have children who can commit sins far
 only when the television footage began  felt so compelled to speak with such   cheating  and tampering with the ball   trying to learn from my mistakes and   trauma. Smith has cried his heart out   worse than Smith and his team mates
 to be played and replayed and replayed  passion on something concerning only  to help the Aussie bowlers to “reverse”   improve.” Smith obviously forgot the   at the press conference and has offered  have committed. It is best to allow these
 again on the large screen on the ground  sports. The Aussie Prime Minister has   it. Now, are we to believe that bowlers   lessons he had learnt there.  no excuses. All he has sought is an apol-  players to serve out the sentence of one
 itself that the Aussie captain and play-  clearly realized that at stake is not just   for whom the ball was being readied for   But to be fair to Smith and his play-  ogy. Similarly, Warner and Bancroft   year during which they and their fami-
 ers were forced to confess. When the   the question of playing cricket accord-  ‘reverse swing’ were not  even aware   ers, they have made a clean breast of   have tendered the sincerest apologies   lies would be going through the worst
 umpires saw the footage on the screen   ing to the rules of the game. It is an issue  of what was being done for them and   the sin they committed in a moment   and coach Darrel Lehmann had owned  kind of mental agony. “Let him who has
 and asked Bancroft what was going on,  involving public morality and national   in their name? How could they be ex-  governed by insane destiny. It must be   moral responsibility for the culture of   never sinned cast the first stone.”
 the Aussie opener produced a black   character.   pected to make the best use of the tam-  remembered that these are not the only  the team and has decided to step down
 strip of cloth, kept as a standby on pur-  In the background of Turnbull’s   pered ball if they were not even aware   players to have indulged in this sort of   voluntarily, despite being cleared by   (The writer is a former cricket
 pose, and showing it to the umpires,   strong statement, the one-year ban   that it had been tampered and which   unfair tactics. Others have been found   Cricket Australia.   commentator)
 claiming that this was all he had. Vice   announced by CA, and that too against   side of the ball had been tampered and   guilty and many more may have just   And now it is up to us — you and me-
 captain Warner and skipper Smith   only three players is likely to raise more  how much? Even the answer is that the   gotten away with it.   to forgive these players forever. It will

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