Page 26 - 31JAN2020E3
P. 26

I’m surprised by this argument. Joining a govt service is   in the name of socialism. So students want free education &
      not a contribution to the society. And they will join IAS with   politics wants free non-refundable loans. Common folks also
      or without JNU. People join for their own good. This is just like   want govt jobs and just sit on it till retirement. Not to mention
      saying - politicians are in politics for public welfare. Well, the   the corruption. The country goes to dogs.
      country understands these arguments better now. Also how   This socialism of the 70s is dead. Not because politicians
      do we measure the “social work” of JNU. When research pa-  have become saints. But because govts have run out of budg-
      pers are hardly anything to talk about & nation still grappling   ets. Ask Air India, PSU bank employees & others. Did someone
      with poverty, there has to be some metric to measure contri-  tell you that the Soviet Union has collapsed? And that China is
      bution vs subsidy. And this also applies to all institutes where   the most ruthless form of capitalism that you can have in the
      fee is subsidized.                                 world. How about a research paper on that?
        Finally, some students indicate that during M.Phil., they
      “contribute towards the research work by their professors &   Media and “Half Truths”
      thus earn their education”. Well, has any one of them asked the   Indrani Roy Chowdhury, Associate Professor has questioned
      professors what “research” they do because there are hand-  where was the media when JNU website was hacked for two
      ful of papers published? At least tell                                 days by the agitating students
      the country this when you protest.                                     with masks (except the one, who
      The idealism of “right to education”   JNU spends about   556 crores   perhaps  is  pursuing  the  ambi-
      is hollow self-centered logic. This   per year on its functioning. This   tion of being another Kanhaiya
      won’t fly. And social sciences study                                   Kumar)? Where were the media
      at  4.5 lac per student ? This would   is aside of the fixed assets it has   when the windows were broken,
      put global schools to shame !!  — the huge land base, the infra &      when the central server of JNU
        Defense 3: When PSU banks                                            was vandalized, lakhs of rupees of
      can lend money to industrialists &   building it owns which was built on   optic fiber wires were cut and de-
      write off lacs of crores, why is JNU                                   stroyed, staff was evicted from the
      being targeted?               government money at some point.          Communication and Information
        Again a self-defeating logic.   Some depreciation is accounted for.   Service Centre in order to disrupt
      PSUs & nationalized banks are rel-                                     the registration process of willing
      ics of the past. Many of them are   So what is the cost per student?    students.
      dying a gradual death. Many exist        556 crore/8,000 students gives us   She said that this is the heinous
      since politics needs a free check-                                     crime I ever heard of from the stu-
      book to write loans to loved ones    6.95 lakh per student annually    dent community. This is incredible

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