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         and training in a wide variety of trades   can assure us of a good opportunity for   funded autonomous institutions for
         and disciplines at a certificate, diploma,    employment and successful career.   providing pre & in-service training to
         degree, postgraduate degree and doc-  However, country’s technical educa-  the teachers and staff of Degree and
         toral levels in institutions located   tion is beset with many shortcomings.   Diploma level training institutions.
         throughout the country.          India’s predicament of substandard   It’s also mandated for conducting
           The main objective of the technical   engineering education is now widely   various activities related to quality im-
         education is that, it makes the students   believed. It has left the engineers com-  provement of the technical education
         skilled and technically fit for the indus-  ing out of most of the Institutes almost   system of the country. The Govt of India,
         tries. In other words people with sound   unemployable. There have been some   in 2003, accorded national status to this
         technical knowledge cannot remain   intermittent efforts to improve the situ-  institute, (along with the three sister
         unemployed.                      ation but most of the efforts either fell   institutes) in recognition of the contri-
           A few observations seem pertinent.   short of desired level or failed to bring   bution of these institutes for the expert
         First, there has been increasing con-  about any significant changes.  service rendered for overall improve-
         cern about the employment gap and   However, in order to scale up the   ment of quality of Technical Education
         skills gap. Second, more than half of   overall technical education in the North   System.
         India’s population of 1.3 billion is below   Eastern Region a regional workshop of   The 3-day workshop has been
         the age of 25 and finally, the annual de-  the Directors of Technical Education   very methodically organized, with
         mand for new jobs in India is estimated   and Principals of polytechnic educa-  well-curated content. The workshop’s
         at 12-15 million.                                                programme schedule set the tone
           According to the All India Survey                              for an atmosphere where people felt
         2018 by the Association for Democratic   Technology is           comfortable deliberating, expressing
         Reforms (ADR) covering 534 Lok Sabha   changing at a brisk       their thoughts and learning from one
         constituencies, spread among various                             another. The individual participants
         demographics, ‘better  employment    pace. Realising the         brought to the fore significant issues
         opportunities’ tops the priorities of    dream of modern         ranging from shortage of faculties to
         voters — it comes as no surprise though                          lack of internet connection, from poor
         given the state of affairs.               India lies             infrastructure to outdated laboratory
           “The single most important thing                               equipments to severe supply shortage
         I find missing in our education sys-  greatly with efficient     of electricity and water.
         tem is its ability to help individuals   ways of skilling,          Although All India Council for Tech-
         understand why they are studying                                 nical Education (AICTE) had assured to
         what they’re studying; what are their   up-skilling and          address some of the issues but the onus
         strengths and how can they impact    re-skilling of the          is on the state governments’ interven-
         society,” said Ketan Kapoor, CEO and                             tions. The economic development and
         co-founder, Mettl, an assessment and   country’s rising youth    growth of a nation depends largely on
         skill-measurement company. “The sec-     population              technical hands. And, therefore India is
         ond reason is this culture of working                            to more meaningfully prioritize quality
         really hard, to aim to be a perfectionist.                       technical education to boost the pros-
         It is important to understand that the   tion of North Eastern Region was held   perity of the nation.
         student or the prospective employee is   recently (25-27 April, 2019) in Guwahati.   India is in an awful mess given that
         competing not just among peer groups   It was hosted by Directorate of Techni-  unemployability is a bigger worry
         in India but globally,” he added.  cal Education, Assam under the aegis of   than unemployment. Technology is
           India has been witnessing the age of   National Institute of Technical Teachers’   changing at a brisk pace, so much so
         science and technology for long result-  Training & Research (NITTTR), Kolkata.   that it’s challenging to grasp. Thus re-
         ing in a huge demand of technical edu-  As many as six Directors of Technical   alising the dream of modern India lies
         cation. The pattern of life evolving in   Education belonging to various states,   greatly with efficient ways of skilling,
         the age is very much different from the   40 Principals of different Polytechnic   up-skilling and re-skilling of country’s
         one we find in our society even some   colleges from North Eastern Region   rising youth  population. The  larger
         years back.                      and faculties and experts from NITTTR   question is whether governments both
           Technical education contributes   attended the workshop.       at the centre and states will be able
         immensely to the education system in   NITTTR, Kolkata, was the first among   to crack the unemployability prob-
         general and plays an essential role in   four such institutes (other three be-  lem,  or  will  the  problem  crack  the
         the social and economic development   ing at Chandigarh, Bhopal & Chennai)   governments.
         of our country. Besides, in this age of   established by the Dept. of Education,
         joblessness, only technical education   MHRD, Govt. of India as fully centrally

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