Page 20 - Tehelka Issue 14E
P. 20

CoverStory                                                                                                                                                                                             DRUG MENACE

               POLITICS RULES                                   al economist of international repute. He is part of a          NO QUICK SOLUTION                                time, this boom subsided and this addicted set of
               Strangely, nobody in the political furore created over   civil society group which organised peaceful demon-    There cannot be quick solution to the problem as it   youth became small drug peddlers selling very
               these deaths bothered to ponder over the question   strations all over the state in the first week of July in   has not cropped up overnight. About 30 years ago   small quantities of either one gram, five grams
               as to how the neighbourhood, family, police, local   the wake of recent deaths.” Our role is complementa-       in Punjab, Opium was consumed predominantly in   to earn money to survive addiction. Over 18000
               political workers, leaders of all hues failed to notice   ry to the government of the day. We are motivating,   village but consumers were doing fine as they were   arrests made in Punjab comprise mostly of these
               and report when victims were alive and in the grip of   encouraging people to take stand against drugs not      mostly rich ones. Poppy husk was its cheaper alter-  small peddlers.
               menace. Noise was made only over the dead bodies.   the government in order to get over the problem,” he        native and did no life-threatening harm to its con-  Experts are of the view that the government and
               Statements were made castigating the ruling party   added.                                                      sumers on good numbers. In the second phase, about   society must realize that the addiction has been
               and the government.                                 For one thing, the police and experts’ explanation          20 years or so later, the younger lot started taking   there since times immemorial. Time has come to
                  In what is essentially a problem that has roots in   of recent deaths as fallout of choked drugs supply      “medical nasha” as part of which they used to take   think out of box rising above political interests to
               the individual behaviour, social milieu and economy,   chain after the STF launched crackdown on drug           drugs for medicinal purposes like cough syrups, cap-  contain the menace through pragmatic measures.
               a collective response from society and its organs of   suppliers sounds plausible though the Opposition         sules as well as some concoctions in large quantities   “In the present situation, the only choice is how
               governance is what is required to take the prob-  is unimpressed for its own reasons. This mutual               to get high.                                     much of which addiction the society wants to have
               lem head on. There seems consensus on this but,    political mistrust is the real undoing.  The people at         Heroin or white powder (chitta) which is derived   at a particular phase in time and that choice is rela-
               unfortunately, politics takes the front seat. Recently,   grassroot are availing the government facilities of    from Opium in a laboratory arrived on the scene   tive at best. From that perspective it makes sense to
               Akali Dal offered of a combined strategy was out-  de-addiction and rehabilitation as the numbers               about 15 years ago. Around this time, the farming    liberalise milder intoxicants. The government must
               rightly rejected by the government. On the other   show. New initiatives like Drug Abuse Prevention             in  Punjab  started  becoming  increasingly  less    take along communities to combat the problem,”
               hand, elected representatives are undergoing dope   Officers (DAPO) and Neighbourhood Buddy to lend             remunerative incidentally, the state witnessed   suggested Prof. AK Kala, a leading psychaitirst who
               tests only to show political one-upmanship.      emotional healing touch and prevent stagmatisation             real estate boom. The prices of agricultural lands   runs two hospitals in Ludhiana offering acute care
                  “Community involvement is must for containing   the addict have been launched.  The state’s educa-           and those around cities and town shot up. Due to    and long term care of addicts.
               the alarming problem which sadly has not happened   tional institutions have been roped in for awareness.       this, initially the youth had the money to afford
               till now, said Dr SS Johl, a Ludhiana-based agricultur-  Yet, the short-sighted politics fuels public mistrust.  this costly addiction of chitta. Over a period of                         LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM

         PUNJAB POLICE GET                                                was initiated against some SHOs too.           glers/peddlers arrested and narcotic   state agencies are focusing on reduc-  Since there is consensus on need of
                                                                                                                                                                                          community involvement in dealing
                                                                                                                                                         tion of demand through awareness
                                                                                                                         substance seized since new govern-
                                                                          But let me tell you such instances are
                                                                                                                         ment came to power in 2017?
                                                                                                                                                         campaigns and effective de-addiction,
                                                                          an aberration in the police force com-
                                                                                                                                                                                          with drugs problems. What initia-
         TOUGH ON DRUG ABUSERS                                            prising 75,000 employees.                      Total 17,094 cases were registered   rehabilitation measures. We have   tives the Punjab police have taken in
                                                                                                                                                                                          this direction?
                                                                                                                         under NDPS Act and 18,977 persons
                                                                                                                                                         also decided to register cases under
                                                                          Cases have come to light where                 arrested between March 2017 and June   section 304 of the IPC so that cases of   Police primarily need to create confi-
                                                                          smugglers/peddlers lodged in jails             2018. This shows the massive offensive   drug-related deaths are investigated   dence in the community that instead
         Punjab Director General of Police SURESH ARORA recently issued   are running drug trade from inside.            launched against the drugs in the state.   comprehensively from all angles.  of punitive action, it will facilitate
         strict directives to the field officers to step up their crackdown on   What is being done to break their       There is not let up in this offensive.                           treatment of addicts. We intend to
         the activities of gangsters and drug smugglers, making it clear that   nexus outside?                           Given the recent spate of drug-relat-  How do you rate the performance of   resume the practice of village level
                                                                          The only way to tackle this problem
                                                                                                                                                                                          visits by police officer for the purpose.
                                                                                                                                                         the Special Task Force (STF) against
         they would be held accountable for any activity of drugs smuggling   is to cut off communication of drug        ed deaths, do you think challenges for   drugs set up in 2017?   During my tenure as the DGP under
         in their areas. Arora discusses with RAJU WILLIAM his plans to   convicts with their outside links. For         police on drugs front have increased?  I would say the STF has done well but   the previous government, we had
                                                                                                                         To talk about challenges, this is what
                                                                          this, a high security jail is coming up at
                                                                                                                                                                                          covered over 25,000 villages. I also
                                                                                                                                                         still there is scope to do a lot more with
         curb drugs menace in the state.                                  Bathinda having capacity to lodge 1500         police are for, always scaling those at   additional resources and experience   visited villages along with my officers.
                                                                          inmates mostly involved in drug trade          hand and preparing for the new ones.   since it was set up as a dedicated body   Another important aspect to achieve
                                            The state police are under fire over   as well as hardened criminals. It will   Here I would also say even a single   only a year ago to meet challenges of   the purpose is that there is zero toler-
                                          complicity of its officials in drug   have all the high-tech security equip-   death is unfortunate. We have been   drugs. After review, the government   ance towards corruption at the police
                                          trade. What’s your reaction to the   ment including jammers. The state         able to choke the drugs supply line   has decided to bring it under the pur-  station level. Also Helpline 181 is there
                                          charge?                         government has also requisitioned two          but I must say that is not enough. The   view of the state police. The formal no-  for people for drug-related informa-
                                            Yes, there have been instances of   companies of Central Industrial Secu-    demand has also to be reduced. Due to   tification is under consideration. The   tion and tips. All details about addicts
                                          police officials in such cases but strict   rity Force to control access to eight jails   difficulty in procuring drugs, addicts   Drug Abuse Prevention Officer (DAPO)   are kept confidential. We are also start-
                                          action has been taken. Recently a   in the state.                              are resorting to other synthetic drugs   programme under it is expected to   ing awareness campaign to reach out
                                          Deputy Superintendent of Police was                                            and concoctions through injections   generate a lot of awareness among   to youths in educational institutions
                                          dismissed from service. Also, action   What is the exact number of smug-       which are proving fatal. So, all the   people in coming time.    right from school level.
                                          TEHELKA / 31 JULY 2018  20  WWW.TEHELKA.COM                                                                     TEHELKA / 31 JULY 2018  21  WWW.TEHELKA.COM
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