Page 11 - Tehelka Issue 14E
P. 11


 stakeholders.  Of the 14 crops-paddy, cotton,   Mehma Serja, district Bhathinda,
 Among all the variables, crucial   bajra, maize, ragi, tur,moong, urad,   told that he sold his moong crop
 in the food production and manage-  sunflower seed, groundnut, soya-  last week for  `4,600 per quintal
 ment in our country of 130 million   bean, sesamum, nigerseed, jowar-   against the MSP (KMS 2017-18) of
 people, farmers occupy the most   bajra would fetch an MSP close to   6,161 per quintal at a grain mar-
 important position.  C2+50 per cent criterion as the MSP  ket in Jagraon near Ludhiana. The
 So let’s start with farmers- their   had been hiked by  525 per quintal   revised price of Moong (KMS 2018-
 struggle for right to remunerative   yielding a return of 96.5 per cent   19) is  6,975. “Who will give us as
 price and the occasional responses   over cost. The highest per centage   per the revised MSP when we are
 of the respective governments –  increase in MSP over previous years  not  getting  even  the  last year’s
 that too to earn political mileage to   is for ragi (52.47 per cent) followed   MSP?”  He  has  no  hope  to  earn
 woo the electorate.  by jowar hybrid (42.94 per cent).  remunerative price on crops other
 The rural households, predomi-  The MSP of paddy (Common)   than wheat and paddy as the pro-
 nantly engaged in agriculture and   that is expected to cover maximum   curement system is fragile. Brar
 allied activities, are politically and   number of farmers has been revised  laments that he chose to pursue
 economically important and can   by  200 per quintal (from  1550 per   agriculture over a lucrative job
 catapult the fortunes of political   quintal last year to  1750 per quintal   after completing his post-gradua-
 parties.  tion. He pursued agriculture with
 According to year 2011 census,   The MSP   a passion but his income level has
 of the 121 crore Indians, 83.3 crore   been dwindling; at the same time,
 (68.84 per cent) live in hinterland   revision issue   his  peers  in  other  professions
 while 37.7 crore stay in urban areas.   is of paramount   have  a  regular  income  with  a
 These figures make it clear why the   growth graph year-on-year. The
 rural voters become apple of eyes   significance   rate of land lease has to go through
 for the political parties during the   as it not only   the roof and those who cultivate    • Farming policy  Prime Minister Narendra Modi has raised MSP by 4-53 per cent across all agri-commodities for kharif in 2018
 election countdown. In the current   on leased land find it difficult to
 situation, the massive losses faced   affects farmers   sustain.
 by the Bhartiya Janata Party in Lok   Most of the farmers interviewed   and rest of them run from pillar to   dent of All Gujarat Cotton Ginners
 Sabha and Assembly by-polls held   but also suits   told that their experiments with   post to dispose of their produce. So   Association told that increase in
 during May this year took wind out   the incumbent   horticulture crops and diversifying   MSP is not an answer to India’s Ag-  There is an urgent   farmers’ income is beneficial for the
 of sails of BJP that had not recov-  to cereals met with a complete fail-  riculture crisis, he added.  need to augment   entire economy but the intermedi-
 ered from the shock of dismal out-  political alliance  ure as there are no takers at the re-  Let’s take a look at the prepara-  aries in the commodity market are
 come of the Gujarat Assembly elec-  munerative prices. Nafed (National   tion of the Government. The targets   the storage   a threat to the producers. The trans-
 tions held in December 2017.  in KMS 2018-19) close to 13 per cent;  Agriculture Cooperative Market-  for the Kharif procurement would   capacity with   portation of crop from the farm
 The weaning popularity among   far below to match the rhetoric on   ing Federation of India) does not   be taken up in a meeting lined up   gate to market yard makes farmers
 the rural voters is a major cause of   doubling the farmers’ income. The   have the wherewithal to procure   for July 31, informed the sources in   the procurement   dependent on intermediaries who
 worry for the ruling BJP alliance.   cost of cultivation calculated by the   the produce and state government   food ministry. The procurement of   agencies lest the   skew the terms-of-trade for their
 At the same time, the nationwide   government agencies has also been  agencies are apathetic.  wheat also jumped the target this   own benefit.
 agitations by the farmers’ organisa-  debatable because the progressive   Ajayvir Jhakhar, a strong pro-  year- against the target of 33 mil-  grain be piled up to   Vijay Tayal, the General Secretary
 tions in different parts of the coun-  agriculture practised in the north-  ponent of farmers’ welfare and   lion tonne, 35 million tonne was   serve the rodents  of All India Rice Millers Association
 try on the growing rural distress   west of India (Punjab, Haryana and   Chairman  of  Bhartiya  Krishak   procured.  finds the MSP hike as a politically
 and delay in implementation of   Western Uttar Pradesh) is not com-  Samaj told that MSP is not a pana-  There is an urgent need to aug-  motivated decision. “Farmers need
 Swaminathan Commission recom-  parable to the traditional cultiva-  cea for the sufferings of farmers.   ment the storage capacity with the   procurement. Nothing concrete has   long-term solutions to make farm-
 mendations is a precursor to the   tion in eastern states of Orissa, West  While he agrees that the MSP hike   procurement agencies lest the pre-  come out. There was a proposal of   ing a profitable venture, ” he added.
 surging discontent and dejection   Bengal and Chattisgarh. The cost   is a welcome step and will boost the   cious grain is piled up in an unsci-  developing small silo hubs in vil-  The visit of Prime Minister Nar-
 among the farming community.  of cultivation is far higher in some   farmers’ income but will remain   entific manner to serve the rodents.  lages on PPP model so that farmers  endra Modi to Malout in Punjab on
 Farmers in India might be poor   states and the farmers do not feel   limited to a small per centage of   The Food Corporation of India has   need not transport the produce to   July 11, in a thanksgiving rally jointly
 and uneducated but understand   adequately compensated for their   households. Of the total crop, only   70 million tonne storage capacity   distant markets but the files are bit-  organised by the ally Shiromani
 well that BJP alliance is dragging its   crops.  25 per cent of paddy is procured un-  but there remains a space crunch   ing the dust. Government agencies   Alaki Dal and BJP (Punjab), uncovers
 heels on Swaminathan Commis-  The long-awaited  announce-  der MSP, the rest are left to market   during the harvesting season. The   find it difficult to organise land for   the intentions of the Government
 sion’s Report. The revised prices   ment  of  the  government  near   forces. This will raise the aspiration   Shanta Kumar Committee gave its   such causes.  behind MSP hike. Far from farmers’
 of the crops declared on July 4 still   the completion of its tenure has   levels of the farmers and may prove   recommendations for restructuring   The trade experts are sanguine   welfare, it’s a pure political decision
 fall short of 50 per cent above the   brought some respite to the farm-  counter-productive for the govern-  of Food Corporation of India in 2015  over the MSP hike but at the same   eyeing the electoral gains.
 cost of production (A2+FL) in many   ers but the uncanny prevails. Jagtar   ment. Only 7 per cent to 10 per cent   to plug the leakages in storage and   time apprehensive over the benefit
 cases.  Singh Brar, a farmer from village   of the farmers get benefitted by MSP   bring more farmers to the ambit of   to farmers. Dilip Bhai Patel, Presi-  LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM


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