Page 15 - 31JAN2018E
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The Space Shuttle
                                                                                            Columbia’s explosion
                                                                                            in 2003 killed all
                                                                                            seven crew members

         people who conduct reconnaissance using space.            add them together. They redacted a few parts of them;
         Isn’t it?                                                 however, that was obvious, and we can hope they
           Declassified documents released by US govern-           might appear many years later: but, those missing
         ment agencies like CIA, NRO are saying so. The truth      parts are meaningful too: you can read between the
         has an official seal. NASA had designed shuttles that     lines. Moreover, what we have accessed are enough
         carried US spy satellites to orbit. Declassified docu-    to prove NASA’s Secret Relationships with US Defense
         ments depict a disgraceful relationship between           and Intelligence Agencies.
         NASA and CIA, the US Department of Defense (DoD),           It generated the first document (Source: CIA
         and National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). These           Mandatory Declassification Review, MDR Request)
         agencies took part in designing NASA’s Shuttles           on 4th September 1958. CIA assistant director C.P.
         throughout the 1970s.                                     Cabell, General, USAF, wrote a letter to  Dr. T. Keith
           The number of declassified documents that depict        Glennan, Director, National Aeronautics and Space
         the top-secret plans is more than a hundred if you        Administration (NASA). It reached Mr. Glennan on

                                        Tehelka / 31 january 2019  15
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