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                     user will get free 15 GB data per   till some time back.   mercy plea in rape-cum-murder
                     month, with a data limit of 1.5   However, it seems that Jio   cases and immediate execution
                     GB per day. This is scheme is   might have had a change of   may be considered.
                     extremely useful.            heart, as floor prices, if fixed   The silver lining here is that
                                      M QASMI NADWI   by the regulator, would only   the vigorous protests, which
                                                  strengthen its already strong   point and may help change the
                     2019 HDI is a fairly         position.                    anti-survivor notions in society.
                     political document             The Trai, however, has all                   YG CHOUKSEY
                     With reference to the report “India makes   along maintained that floor
                     modest progress in HDI” by Tehelka Bureau
                     (December 31)                prices are not desirable. The edi-  In India, one of the main reasons
                     That India ranks 129th among   torial rightly makes a point that   for increase in crime rates
                     189 countries in the human   fixing floor price would be anti-  is technical loopholes in our
                     development index compiled   consumer. Trai is mandated to   judicial system, exploiting which
                     by the United Nations Develop-  protect the health of the telecom   the accused go scot free. Hence
                     ment Programme is not a major   sector, of which the consumers   people have lost trust in our
                     surprise, nor that it is still ahead   are the biggest stakeholders.   judiciary. Second, the increase
                     of other South Asian countries.   As such, Trai need not accept   in crime rate is also the direct
                     Yet, there are some positive fac-  the plea of telcos for fixing floor   outcome of poverty, misery,
                     ets that deserve to be noted. One,   prices.              underdevelopment.
                     the difference between India’s   Warring telcos should settle   Criminals are not born but
                     rank on per capita income and   their price war themselves and   are made by society. Pov-
                     that on human development is   not make Trai a party to it. Also,   erty, lack of education and
                     negative.                    it is a misplaced notion that   broken families are the breeding
                       It means that India ranks,   voice and not data is an essen-  grounds for criminal activities,
                     admittedly among several na-  tial service and only the former   especially juvenile crimes.
                     tions, higher on human develop-  should be under the forbearance   A lethargic outlook towards
                     ment than on income. The 2019   regime. In fact, mobile data now   development and economic
                     Human Development Report is   has become quite an essential   growth has put the country out
                     a fairly political document. It is   part of communication, at times,   of gear. Third, social norms play
                     urgent to tackle inequality, even   replacing voice calls due to the   an important role in combating
                     as poverty comes down and the   widespread use of free messag-  rape. It is not only education and
                     gap between basic development   ing apps. Only market should   empowerment of girls that will
                     indicators such as life expec-  determine the price.      prevent rapes.
                     tancy at birth narrows across the         SANJEEV KUMAR SINGH  To bring about change in so-
                     world.                                                    ciety, people should change their
                       The data show that with    Jubilation over killing      outlook. Strict punishments,
                     one-third the expenditure India   of rapists isn’t right  including capital punishment,
                     makes, as a proportion of GDP,   With reference to the Cover Story “The country   protection for women by a,
                                                  wails amid rape trails” by Sunny Sharma
                     on education, Bangladesh makes   (December 15)            sincere and humane police force
                     comparable achievements on   The article rightly points out   will go a long way. This heinous
                     several fronts.              that demand for lynching or   crime must be made a non-
                                     TARIQUE ANSARI  jubilation over killing of rapists   bailable offence.
                                                  in a police encounter are not the   Finally, when there is large
                     Telecom firms should         right responses or solutions to   scale unemployment in the
                     settle rift on their own     the menace of rape and murder.   country how can we talk of
                     With reference to the report “Too big to fail is   However, such reactions are a   inadequate police force. Why
                     false notion” by Tehelka Bureau (December 31)             cannot these vacancies be
                     All the three private telecom   manifestation of growing public
                     operators have shown rare    anger against insensitive legisla-  filled with regular recruitment?
                     unanimity in asking the Telecom   tion, indifferent investigation   How can the government boast
                     Regulatory Authority of India   system and a painfully slow and   of empowerment of women
                     (Trai) to fix floor prices for mo-  prolonged judicial process.   when women are not safe even
                     bile data services. This is some-  Thus, reforms in the chain,   in big metros? Our courts
                     what unexpected as the market   from legislation to justice deliv-  should also be revamped, with
                     disruptor Reliance Jio, unlike the   ery, will help eliminate unwar-  adequate staff to dispose of
                     other two private operators, was   ranted vigilantism. For example,   cases quickly.
                     not in favour of any floor prices   excluding right of bail and            VEENA SHENOY

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