Page 17 - AUG2018E
P. 17
independence day
13 crore people have availed Mudra loan. Of this 4 tional interest like ‘housing for all’, ‘Swachh Bharat Ab-
crore are youth who have availed loan for the very hiyan’, ‘power for all’, set up of educational intuitions,
first time and are self-employed. etc. were part of the highlights in his speech.
Celebrating the Independence Day is a fair idea that
North-East INdIa should continue with every citizen because it repre-
The last village of North-East has been electrified sents collective articulation of citizens’ sense of grati-
recently. Highways, railways, airways, waterways tude for those who sacrificed their lives to fight the
and information ways (i-ways) coming to the region. mighty British empire, and imagined the possibility
The work of installing electric transmission lines of freedom. It also epitomizes our collective gratitude
across the North-East is progressing at a rapid pace. for innumerable unknown heroes, and reminds us
Youth from the North-East are establishing BPOs to emulate their example to safeguard this hard-won
in the region. New educational institutions are being freedom. As one critic has opined, this occasion “rein-
set up and the North-East India is becoming the new forces some sort of group solidarity; and this secular
hub for organic farming. North-East is going to host ritual is essentially a form of ‘civic religiosity’ a mod-
the Sports University. ern nation needs to define itself.”
Weakening of democratic and constitutional
J&K institutions along with the fragmentation of the polity,
With three basic elements of Insaniyat, Jamhuriyat, erosion of secular values and rise of cultural nation-
alism have cumulatively given rise to a lamentable
situation. The present state of affairs is afflicted with
Various government some disturbing characteristics which are prone to
adversely impact social harmony and peace. Asser-
schemes and initiatives tion of militant Hindutva encourages violence and
intolerance in the garb of religion – be it mob lynch-
which “helped” the ing or cow vigilantism – and Dalits, marginalized
segments and minorities fall an easy prey to such
socio-economic growth nonetheless, the defining spirit and mode of its
Undoubtedly, India at 71 has come a long way;
of the country since governance and administrative structures still reek
of sluggishness and ineptness. Opportunism is rife
nda-led BJp came to with the political class and the neo-rich class is mired
in aggressive consumerism finding more solace in
power in 2014 were the material symbolic products than showing some
concern for the socially deprived or disadvantaged.
highlighted by Modi Most of the narratives handed out to the citizenry
over the past seven decades have remained unful-
filled. Failure as well as inability of the ruling dispen-
sation, irrespective of party politics, in delivering on
to the citizens what they deserve in return for taxes
Kashmiriyat (humanism, democracy, Kasmiriyat) they contribute to state exchequer, to liberate them
under the vison of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the govern- from communalism and hatred, provide them a fair
ment plans to develop Jammu & Kashmir, including law and order ambience to feel secure, provide them
Ladakh or Jammu or Srinagar valley. decent and affordable healthcare, education and
housing is inexcusable. Social justice still remains a
YouNg INdIa far cry. A common citizen is compelled to ask himself,
About 65 per cent of the population in the country “Main Azaad HooN?”
is below 35 years of age. Today, our country is talk- One is reminded of the prophetic observation of
ing about Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities and paying attention Babasaheb Ambedkar made sixty-nine years ago: “By
to the youngsters engaged in modern agriculture in independence, we have lost the excuse of blaming the
the rural areas. Today the youngsters of the country British for anything going wrong. If hereafter things
are taking the nation to greater heights by exploring go wrong, we will have nobody to blame except our-
and engaging in new fields such as Start-ups, BPOs, selves. There is great danger of things going wrong.”
E-commerce, mobility etc.
Besides, other pertinent subjects that are of na-
Tehelka / 31 august 2018 17