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                                                  Proper flood management                                                                                         democracy. Unambiguously,    in-command has done over 50
         9/17/2018      15SEPT2018E                                            Minister has also said that we                        societal behaviour. Societal
                                                  plan is the need of hour     should attain technological                           behaviour is moulded by      we cannot expect superb      years. Certainly, the change of
                                                  With reference to the Cover Story “Man-made   capacity to improve the quality      predominant ideologies in the   performances from mediocre   guard in the DMK, as wished by
                                                  disaster sinks Kerala” by KV Lakshmana  of predictions.                            region and credit must be given   personnel who secured   Kalaignar, was a cause for the
                                                  The floods in Kerala have been   Everyone knows the low                            where it is due.             admission in premier         party cadres to celebrate.
                                                  devastating in terms of the loss   accuracy of weather forecasts                                   NOEL THERATTIL  educational establishments and   Stalin is aware that heading
                                                  of lives, damage to houses and   which are practically rituals. His                                             positions solely connected to   the principal party in the State
                                                  other infrastructure and, most   argument that some of the rivers                  What created the magic is a   caste or religion.          is not an easy task. On officially
                                                  importantly, loss of occupations   — Achankovil and Manimala,                      perfect mix of education and   Political outfits, however,   taking over the reins of the
                                                  and businesses. There is debate   which flooded Pandalam and                       political awakening whereby   still support the existing system   party, he gave a categorical
                                                  about the causes of floods and   Thiruvalla — do not have dams is                  such a citizenry is fully aware of   of reservation overtly for their   assurance that the DMK will
                                                  the authorities in Kerala should   not the full fact. Both these rivers            its rights and responsibilities — a   achievements rather than   represent and uphold the ideals
                                                  study this subject scientifically.   flow into the highly-flooded                  boon to any democracy. It is this   the genuine development of   propounded by the Periyar. He
                                                  They should not hesitate to   Pampa, causing an incapacity                         enviable case of camaraderie   the country. Our unbiased   has stood as a bulwark against
                                                  reach out to the United Nations   of the tributaries to empty, thus                and mass power that binds a   intelligentsia and political   cultural invasion attempted by
                                                  and other countries that have   raising water levels in both of                    nation state.                stalwarts should revamp the   the Sangh Parivar and the Modi
                                                  vast expertise in flood mitigation   them.                                           Such a secular fabric must   quota system at the earliest.  Government in the name of
                                                  strategies. There must be a flood   If Vijayan plans to “build                     stay in place and be emulated          TKM KUMBALAMCHUVATTIL  religious nationalism.
                                                  management plan for each river   a new Kerala”, taking into                        across the nation especially in                             By forging an electoral
                                                  basin.                       consideration “ecological issues”,                    times of divisive politics.  1/2                                                                                                    India, Pakistan should       alliance with secular parties
                                                    Natural infrastructure such   he should be willing to accept                                         ANJALI B  strive for fruitful relations  in the State and aligning with
         CONTAGION? NO,                           as marshes, reefs, mangroves   what V.S. Achuthanandan said in                     Time to revamp the quota     With reference to the report “Sidhu on firing line   the secular and social justice
                                                  and beaches can help protect
                                                                               the Assembly — “flawed policies,
                                                                                                                                                                  over his visit to Pakistan” by Rajendra Khatry
                                                                                                                                                                                               forces in the post-poll scenario
         LEPROSY IS NOT                           coastal areas. All this is well-  formulated under pressure                        system at the earliest       (September 15)               at the Centre, he should prove
                                                                                                                                                                  There has been a lot of noise
                                                  documented. There should also
                                                                               from vested interest groups”,
                                                  be concerted efforts to promote   had opened the door for the                      With reference to the column Hard Line titled   in India recently pertaining to   that he is indeed a worthy
                                                                                                                                     “Without de-reservation, reservation is useless”
         With reference to the column The Last Word titled “Leprosy is    rainwater harvesting.  razing of hills, encroachment       by Anil Singh (September 15)  Navjot Singh Sidhu hugging
         curable but stigma linked to it kills” by Abdul Wasey    Since there is a debate                                            The basic reason for         Pakistan Army Chief General                  G DAVID MILTON
         (September 15)                           about the safety of dams, new   of forests, reclamation of                         reservation is poverty and this   Qamar Javed Bajwa during his
         The media must be appreciated            sources of energy should be   wet lands, damming of                                phenomenon exists in every   recent visit to Pakistan.    Only tough regulations will
                                                                                                                                                                                               help improve public health
                                                                               streams and rivers and illegal
                                                                                                                                                                    One fails to understand as to
         for highlighting the progress            sought out. Sunlight is the most   quarrying” which have led to                    human race, irrespective of   why people are criticising Sidhu.   With reference to the Cover Story “Action, not
                                                                                                                                     caste, creed or religion. The
         of active leprosy case detection         freely available form of energy   piecemeal development and                        policy of earmarking certain   He has neither committed   politics, will help curb drug deaths” by Raju
                                                                                                                                                                                               William and Bharat Hiteshi (July 31)
                                                  and harvesting it should be
                                                                               not sustainable growth. These
         campaigns. However, there are            encouraged. As these floods   flawed policies are obviously                        percentage of governmental   a crime nor has he made a    The report reflects the
                                                                                                                                     benefits, like jobs in public
                                                                                                                                                                                               sentiments of millions in India
                                                                                                                                                                  mistake. Such gestures can
         some gaps, an example being the          occurred in an age of improved   the creation of both the LDF and                  establishments, admission to   reduce mistrust and improve   — that multinationals have
         usage to still describe leprosy          technology, each town must   UDF governments.     PRV RAJA                         premier educational institutes   relations between India and   never really cared about the
                                                  have guidelines on flood safety
         as a “contagion”. The disease            precautions. This would also                                                       compromising the qualifying   Pakistan. Now,that Imran Khan   ailing masses and only think
                                                                                                                                     standards et al, is obviously
                                                                                                                                                                                               about their bottom lines. Why is
                                                                                                                                                                  is the Prime Minister of Pakistan,
         is no longer a “contagion” and           mean ensuring sufficient     There has been a lot of emphasis                      irrational and also against the   one hopes that both India and   the government in India silent
                                                  numbers of boats in flood-prone
         can be cured with a multi-drug           villages.                    on the display of social solidarity                   principles of Indian democracy.  Pakistan would strive for fruitful   even after the horrifying details
                                                                               and the human spirit in Kerala
                                                                                                                                       Providing equal facilities
                                                                                                                                                                  relations leaving behind any sort
                                                                                                                                                                                               of medical negligence? There
         therapy that is available free                           DR AJAYA KUMAR  but the question often glossed                     and opportunities, irrespective   of animosity.           should be greater concern,
         in government hospitals. The                                          over is about the political system                    of caste, creed, religion et al, on       DEVENDRA KHURANA  stringent statutory provisions
         disease must also be detected            Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi   that fostered it.                                 merit alone must be the sole                              and deterrent action.
                                                  Vijayan’s claim that there was
                                                                                 Over decades, a sense of
                                                                                                                                     criteria in deciding the winners.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Separately, and as it has often
         early. The use of such words will        nothing wrong in “our” dam   social solidarity has been                            In the global arena, we are   Stalin needs to prove       been highlighted in the sections
         only contribute to stigma and            management is strange. He has   fostered in India’s lone                           obliged to contest with world’s   he is worthy successor  of the media, many drugs are
                                                                               communist-ruled State — home
                                                  blamed the India Meteorology
                                                                                                                                     giants and not with mediocre or
                                                                                                                                                                  With reference to the report “Stalin inherits
                                                                                                                                                                                               being promoted in irrational
         discrimination, in turn affecting        Department for not providing   to a religious demographic                          feigned opponents.           legacy as per Karunanidhi’s wish”    combinations. The way clinical
                                                                                                                                                                  by KV Lakshmana (August 31)
         the ongoing efforts of the leprosy       the State Government with    which would be considered a                             Hence, the ideology of     The elevation of MK Stalin as   trials are being conducted,
         programme.                               sufficient information.      tinderbox in the rest of India.                       demeriting meritorious       Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam    with many used as guinea pigs,
                                                    But the State Electricity
                                                                                 The rapid mobilisation of
                                                                                                                                     candidates for caste-related
                                                                                                                                                                                               is another area that needs
                                                                                                                                                                  (DMK) president marked a
                                P MANICKAM        Board, which manages the     resources and solidarity by                           reasons is quirky and        new era in Tamil Nadu politics.   regulation. The new health
                                                  dams, had confirmed that the   Malayalis across the world                          degenerative to the nation;   It also marked the successful   policy should help the poor and
                                                  IMD forecasts were proved    speaks of an intangible quality                       besides it contradicts the   culmination of a tireless    ailing masses.
                                                  wrong even in July. The Chief   that goes beyond the normative                     primary ethics of a bonafide   political work that the second-             AG RAJMOHAN
                                      TEHELKA / 30 SEPTEMBER 2018  6  WWW.TEHELKA.COM                                                                TEHELKA / 30 SEPTEMBER 2018  7  WWW.TEHELKA.COM
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