Page 7 - 30NOV2019E
P. 7

Letters                                                                   /tehelka        @tehelka

 There’s urgent need to    has dealt a big blow to one of the   Fault lines should be fixed   The report by the Intergovern-  the Kurdish-held border towns
 poll results BJP down But not out, hint haryana, Maharashtra asseMBly elections   9  nip terrorism in the bud  deadliest terror groups in the   to create safe environment  mental Panel on Climate Change   of Tal Abyad and Ras Al-Ain.
 issue     world. Baghdadi commanded
 21  With reference to the online report “ISIS chief   With reference to the report “Pollution politics   that by 2100, oceans all over the   The humanitarian cost can-
 Volume 16  Baghdadi killed in US raid: President Trump”   an organization, which, at its   intensifies in Delhi as winter arrives” by Tehelka   world will absorb 5-7 times more   not be fully assessed when the
 15 noV 2019  (October 28)
 new Delhi  peak, controlled a territory the   Bureau (November 15)
 The world has been rid of a   I would like to draw your atten-  heat than they have done in the   operation is under way. Civilians
 dangerous terrorist in the form   size of Great Britain from where   tion to the initiative by Chief   past 50 years if we do not reduce   are fleeing Syria to Iraq as the
 of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. He   it directed and inspired acts of   Minister Mr Arvind Kejriwal to   our emissions trajectory, and   Turkish campaign intensifies.
 was apparently cornered by   terror in more than three dozen   control pollution in Delhi in the   this would lead to an increase   It is difficult to establish the
 elite special forces of the United   countries.  form of the odd-even formula   in the sea level rising by at least   rights and wrongs of the Syrian
 States of America and died in   Resisting climate change   for road transport. This has   one metre submerging several   conflict, now in its ninth year,
 northwestern Syria.   restricted the plying of cars on   coastal cities like Chennai, Kol-  in that it involves multi-ethnic
 The only other event that can   should be the first goal  the road on the basis of odd and   kata and Surat cannot be taken   communities and many lay-
 be compared to this in terms   A new study has found that   even numbers.  in a lighter vein.  ers, dimensions, interests and
 of scale and importance is the   much of Mumbai could be sub-  Although the initiative did   Given the proven inextricable   domestic and geopolitical actors.
 killing of former Al Qaeda chief,   merged by 2050 because of ris-  cause some inconvenience to   link between hotter oceans and   There is no telling who the lesser
 Osama bin Laden, in Pakistan.   ing sea levels. In the light of this,   stronger cyclones and storms,   evil is to deserve support. The
 Fresh controversy erupts after New Delhi gets first tranche of   should not our political leaders   the public yet for a safe environ-
 But Baghdadi’s death is more   ment and to breathe fresh air
 details about financial accounts of Indians in Swiss banks  14  the international community   Kurdish militias who played a
 significant; he oversaw the birth   focus more on resisting climate   such initiatives are a must. In   cannot afford to remain oblivi-  major role as a key ally of the US
 and expansion of perhaps the   change and preserving the city   ous to their imperative need   in defeating the Islamic State  instead of fighting among them-  fact, we are the ones who are
 most brutal terrorist organiza-  polluting our mother earth,   in meeting its pledged carbon   or IS are now targeted by the
 tion in the world. Its modus   selves for power?   so we should be the one who   emissions reduction targets   Turkish military following the
 Tough Times for   operandi was so vicious that   ankush Verma   should take care of it and ensure   under the Paris climate pact.  withdrawal of the US troops
                                                                               which they call a ‘stab in the
                                                    That warming seas has
 even al Qaeda and the Taliban,
 ‘grammar Nazis’  no strangers to brutality them-  Removing chapter on Tipu   a pollution-free environment   changed and are changing   back’ by the US.  G daVid milton
                     and be ready to make any sacri-
 Sultan from books shocking
                                                  cyclonic behaviour; a recent
 selves, sought to distance them-
 selves from the Islamic State.   The fact that the government is   fices for the same.  example being Cyclone Ockhi
 Shabana Azmi recently shared   But Baghdadi’s death, his   mulling the removal of chapters   Vidushi  (2017), which originated in Bay   RBI nod for Kerala Bank
 a photograph of a signboard   power notwithstanding, will not   on Tipu Sultan from textbooks in   The unprecedented environ-  of Bengal, travelled more than   raises few questions
 schools is shocking. Tipu Sultan
                                                  2,000 km to wreak havoc on
                                                                               The conditions subject to which
 be the end of terrorism or even
 at the Chennai International   the Islamic State. The Islamic   was one of the most valiant rul-  mental emergency in the Capital   India’s western coast. This is a   the RBI has given the ‘go ahead’
                     and the collective failure of the
 Airport. The signage read, “Eating   State has already selected a new   ers in India in the 18th century.   Central and state governments   grim reality we are ignoring at   to Kerala Bank relating to capital
                                                  our own peril.
                                                                               adequacy, management and in-
 carpet is strictly prohibited”. This   leader and announced his name.  The East India Company was in   has exposed the fault lines of our   With climate change-deluge   stitutional set-up are very liberal.
 awe of him.
 ks jayatheertha
 led to much mirth on Twitter.   He, along with his father,   partisan politics in dealing with   now becoming a norm than   The stipulation that administra-
                     national challenges. The state-
 This reminded me of an earlier   Although the death of Abu Bakr   Haider Ali, wreaked havoc on   ment of the Punjab CM that we   an exception in several parts   tion and management will be
                                                                               guided by the present guidelines
                                                  of the globe, our focus needs to
 Al Baghdadi must have dealt a
 the British army and made
 incident when a barber had   major blow to the Islamic State   Mysore an almost impenetrable   have ‘persistently and foolishly’   turn towards creating resilient   for management of urban coop-
                     refused to rise above political
 been ridiculed for claiming in a   it is far from the end of the road   region. He was widely known   considerations draws attention   infrastructure to withstand and   erative banks may need review
 as the Tiger of Mysore. After
                                                                               even before the commencement
                                                  mitigate destruction unleashed
 sign that all kinds of “barbaric”   for the terrorist organization.   his father’s death, Tipu Sultan   to the smallness of our politics.   by it.  of business by Kerala Bank, in
 There is a need for concerted
 activities took place in his   efforts from countries across the   ascended the throne and proved   Considering the grave challeng-  m Jeyaram  the context of the recent PMC
                     es we face as a nation, it is time
 shop. One wonders whether   world to finish off the Islamic   to be a competent ruler.  to revisit our political processes   Beware of political error,   Bank failure.
 What is clear from histori-
                                                                                 In all probability, coming
 State in all its regional hubs.
 these sticklers -- the so-called   Cutting off the sources of   cal records is that Tipu Sultan   to facilitate a broad consensus   terror begets terror  into being after the merger of
                     on the way forward.
 “Grammar Nazi” -- would be   funding for the Islamic State   patronized both Muslims and   A healthy democracy   The Turkish incursion into   Kerala’s own State Bank of Tra-
 Hindus, and raised a strong
                                                                               vancore with SBI, Kerala Bank
 as concerned about slippages   and other terror organizations   army with soldiers from both   demands collaborative and   north-east Syria (codenamed   will be the biggest cooperative
 would be the best way of doing
                                                  ‘Peace Spring’) with an avowed
                     constructive approach rather
 in Indian languages, which are   this. The world must unitedly   communities against the British   than an obsession for one-up-  aim to ‘destroy terror cor-  bank in India and soon get
 common enough but are rarely   work towards ending the men-  raj. Moreover, it was Tipu Sultan   manship. Making environmen-  ridor’ and ‘create safe zone’ in   categorised under the “too big to
                                                                               fail” category.
 who first implemented the use
 ace of terrorism.
                                                  Syria, near the Turkish border,
 noticed because people lack   ramesh G jethwani  of rockets against the British.   tal challenge a test case, Modi   has come in for widespread   That adds to the Centre’s and
                     should take the lead to enlist the
 the knowledge to catch these   His contributions to innovation,   cooperation of all parties and   condemnation.  RBI’s responsibility to ensure
                                                                               that the dual control does not
 scientific development as well as
                                                    The air strikes supported by
 mistakes.   The killing of the terrorist   administrative reforms in India   state governments to address a   artillery fire and the attack by   adversely affect the institution’s
 leader, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi,
                     national concern that does not
 Kaveri raj  by the US forces in Syria is a   should be acknowledged.  admit of partisan agendas.  the ground forces have caused   smooth functioning.
 considerable achievement. It   rajib sk  ashwani kumar,  panic among the people living in       mG warrier
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