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         SucceSSor to AchAryA tulSi                                       Prekshya Dhyan (Perceptive
         Impressed by Muni Nathmal (later                                 meditation)
         Mahapragya), Acharya Tulsi honored                               Mahapragya  formulated  Preksha
         him with the qualitative epithet of                              meditation and wrote extensively on
         Mahapragya (highly knowledged) on                                this topic. In these books he described    Firm ready to pay   91 lakh                          Calment. Upon her death
         12 November 1978. On 4 February 1979,                            various techniques of meditations and                                                           in 1997 she was 122 years
         his appellation ‘Mahapragya’ was con-                            their effects on the psyche, physiology,   to give your face to robots                          and 164 days old. The
         verted into his new name by Acharya                              hormonal influences, the endocrine                                                              alleged 123-year-old was
         Tulsi and he was also made ‘Yuvacha-                             system, and the nervous system. He         An unnAmed firm is looking for human faces to be     travelling on a flight from
         rya’, successor designate to the present                         discussed his discoveries with Acha-       put on thousands of robots worldwide for more than  91
         Acharya, the second highest position                             rya Tulsi and exercised deep practice      lakh (100,000 pounds). Your face may be used as virtual   Kolkata to London, via a
         after Acharya. With this elevation,                              of meditation and experimented with                                                             stopover in Abu Dhabi.
         he was now referred as Yuvacharya                                various techniques. He formulated the                                 friends for elderly people,   The UAE airport staff
         Mahapragya.                         “       It was the year      Prekshya meditation system in 1970                           has revealed.   discovered his passport
           As a Yuvacharya, Mahapragya be-  after India showcased its     and formulated the meditation system                                    It said a start-up tech   said he was born in the
         came  a  close associate  of Acharya   nuclear prowess in Pokhram   in a very well organized and scientific                            company is actually       19th century.
         Tulsi in major decisions and activities   when Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam   way. The basic four wings of the medi-                           looking for a ‘kind and
         related to the sect. In a public meet-  met Acharya Mahapragya   tation system can be summarized as                                    friendly’ face to put on    Sivananda is from
         ing on 18 February 1994, Acharya Tulsi   in Mehrauli.  Acharya   Meditation, Yogasana and Pranaayam,                                                             Behala in India, and as a child he was raised by a spiritual
         declared  that  Mahapragya  would     Mahapragya said to         Mantra and therapy.                                                   their robots. Geomiq      guru. He attributes his extraordinary longevity to a
         now have the title of ‘Acharya’ also   Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam “Kalam                                                                     wrote that they were      lifetime of practising yoga, eating food without any spices
         and that the former was renouncing   God bless you for what you   Jeevan Vigyan (Science of living)                                    approached by a robotics   and remaining celibate.
         this position forthwith. Subsequently,   have done with your team.   Jeevan Vigyan is an effort to implement                           company to help with
         on 5 February 1995, Mahapragya was   But the Almighty has a bigger   value-based education and moral edu-                              the finishing touches to
         consecrated as the 10th Acharya — the   mission for you and that is   cation. Its goal and approach is overall                         a ‘state-of-art humanoid
         supreme head — of Terapanth religious   greater than what you and   development of student and not simply   robot.’ They did not give out a lot of details about the
         order in a public meeting  in Delhi.  your team have done.  It is   just the intellectual development. Mere                                                      Bull eats gold in Haryana
                                            indeed greater than what      intellectual development can’t help in     company due to a non-disclosure agreement that they
                                            any human being has ever      building real experience and charac-       have signed.                                         A Bull Ate about 40 grams of gold ornaments that
                                                                                                                        The company reportedly knows that it is an unusual
             Ahimsa Yatra                  done. Nuclear weapons are      ter  and as such it aims for a balanced    request and that it is a big deal, which is why they are   belonged to a woman living in Kalanawali area in
                                             proliferating in tens and
                                                                          emotional, intellectual and physical
                                            thousands in the world. I     development. The scientific techniques     ready to pay so much money. The robot s are set to go into   Haryana’s Sirsa district. Janakraj said, “The incident
           Troubled by the word’s prob-    command you and only you       of Science of Living help in balancing     production next year.                                took place on October 19 when my wife and daughter-
           lems, Mahapragya came out with   with all the divine blessings   the emotions and functioning of the                                                           in-law put their gold ornaments in a bowl in which
           the solution of Ahimsa Yatra, a   at my disposal to evolve a   neuro-endocrine system in our bodies.         People are a little concerned about this demand and   they were cutting vegetables. The bowl got covered by
           journey on foot to advance the   system of peace wherein all   Acharya Mahapragya conceived the           are asking why can’t the company just make a new face
           principle of Ahimsa or non-vio-  these nuclear weapons will be   idea of ‘Science of Living’ on 28 Decem-  exactly like Sophia, the social humanoid robot developed   leftover vegetables by mistake. After which it was
           lence.  He started his yatra in 2001   ineffective, insignificant and   ber 1979 and many camps were con-  by Hong Kong based company Hanson Robotics, a few   thrown into the garbage. CCTV camera footage showed
           and passed through 87 districts of   politically  inconsequential”.  ducted for the teachers while Science of   reports said.                                  a bull eating the garbage in which the vegetables had
           India, covering more than 2400   In the hush that followed,    Living started getting positive reception                                                       been thrown. We searched for the bull and called a
           villages, towns and cities. Having   Kalam felt the confluence   from ministry of education and vari-                                                          veterinary doctor to catch the animal. After this, we
           eschewed violence and pledged   of heavens concurring with     ous educational society. After one year                                                         have tied the bull in an
           to refrain from killing innocent   the saintly message. He     of its implementation in schools, the
           creatures; political leaders, social   confessed to feeling shaken   results were surprising and very posi-  Passport lists elderly Indian’s                   open space near our
           workers, and spiritual leaders   in the aftermath of these     tive for students. It started getting wider                                                     home and have been
           came to him for advice. He took   words. The message of peace   acceptance with education ministry of     date of birth as 8 August 1896                       feeding it. We are hoping
           his Yatra from Gujarat to Maha-  gave a new meaning to Dr.     Indian Government and state govern-                                                             that we will get the gold
           rashtra, Daman, Madhya Pradesh,   Kalam’s life, and became his   ments. Many schools started includ-      An elderly IndIAn man reportedly stunned airport     from its dung, that is why
           Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,                                 ing it in their curriculum. Some of the    staff in the second week of October by showing them a   we are feeding it,” he
           Punjab and Chandigarh.  The        guiding light.              feedback can be summarized as reduce
           yatra concluded January 4,  2009                ”              in stress, improved efficiency in studies,   passport listing his date of birth as 8 August 1896. If the   said. “We will leave the
           at village Sujangarh in Rajasthan                              better concentration and memory, bet-      reports are true, that would make Swami Sivananda the   bull at a goshala if we
           from where it had commenced in        Ramnath Kovind           ter anger management etc.                  world’s oldest man at 123 years old. The oldest verified   do not get gold from its
           year 2001                             President of India                     person ever to have lived was Frenchwoman Jeanne     dung.”

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