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      has already taken place, can I not express                                                                                                       time and there is no religious suit in   Development is good to talk about,
      my agony? When I talk about India’s popu-                                                                                                        the court. There is only a title suit in   but elections are not won the plank of
      lation, communalism creeps in and when                                                                                                           the court.                        development.
      I articulate my personal feelings then also                                                                                                      The public only wanted the court to re-  I don’t know, it is up to the people that on
      communalism seeps in. Do the people in                                                                                                           sume day-to-day hearings in the case.  which issue they would prefer to vote.
      this country want Hindus to be subjected
      to abuse, continue to suffer and we hold up                                                                                                      Is this the most important issue   Did Modi get elected on the plank of
      the flag of secularism. This is what is called                                                                                                   before the country?               development?
      pseudo-secularism.                                                                                                                               Yes, it is. Was the issue of Yaqub Memon   Of course, he established himself as a de-
                                                                                                                                                       the biggest issue before the country?  velopment man throughout the country.
      Can everything be weighed in the
      similar manner? In 2015 you had stated                                                                                                           Is corruption in the CBI not an issue?  Did he win on the anti-corruption
      that Rajiv Gandhi married Sonia Gandhi                                                                                                           The temple issue is most important. Is the  wave?
      and had Rajiv Gandhi married a Nige-                                                                                                             issue of the faith of 1.25 billion people not  Corruption and development were both
      rian woman, would he have not got the                                                                                                            an issue?                         issues. Modi had an image of a chief
      same respect? Is this the respect of                                                                                                                                               minister of a state who had an image of
      women in your eyes and is it the basis                                                                                                           Is the Supreme Court not doing    not compromising with corruption nor
      of humanity?                                                                                                                                     justice to this issue?            allowing the pace of development to
      Please see that while sitting at home if I                                                                                                       Whether the court doing justice or in-  slowdown. Therefore, corruption was
                                                                                                                                                                                         also an issue along with development.
       Politics is not                   tion. If you have not seen the entire video   ing of the right word. I cannot argue with   Will the government bring an   My Ministry provided   During your recent tour of West
                                         then write my version. I had stated that
                                                                           you, because you have a mentality that if
       practiced in a                    a wind was blowing with the country   someone speaks in favour of the Hindus   Construction of the temple the sooner   about 2.5 crore jobs in   Bengal, you had raised the issue
                                                                                                                                                                                         of Mathua. Do you think that the
                                                                           then he becomes a communalist. And if he
                                         and outside to stop Modi wave. There ae
                                                                                                                     the better, people hope that the Temple
       planned manner. I am              countries that want to prevent Modi from    speaks in favour of the Muslims then he   of Lord Ram would be constructed soon.   MSME sector, two million   West Bengal government has
       not to comment on                 becoming India’s Prime Minister and    becomes a secularist. I have no antidote to   The people know that a grand temple of   jobs under financial   suppressed this segment of the
                                                                                                                                                                                         societyand injustice is being meted
                                                                           this malady.
                                         Pakistan is one of them, which is indulg-
                                                                                                                     Lord Ram could not be built despite so
       those who practice                ing in nefarious activities to prevent Modi                                 many years after country’s independ-  inclusion and 1.9 million     out to them?
       politics by planning.             from becoming prime minister of India.   Many a times, your statements refer to   ence. It is a betrayal by the Congress. If   entrepreneurs during   Look, it seems as if the Hindus do not
                                                                           polygamy among the Muslims and that
                                                                                                                     Nehru had built the temple at that time
                                         There are some people in India for whom
                                                                                                                                                                                         have the right to religious faith in West
       Politics is the voice of          Pakistan is no less than Mecca and Medi-  they produce more children. So, the   then there would not have been such a   the past four years,    Bengal. Sometimes people ae subjected
       inner conscience and              na and such people also want to prevent   split in the society starts from here.   misery as is today.          However, there is no            to blows by lathis on the occasion of
                                                                           I repeat it again that you facilitate the
                                                                                                                                                                                         Ramanavami, shots are fired, people ae
                                         Modi from becoming India’s prime minis-
       I do what this voice              ter. Place for such people should not be in   division. Journalists like you do it, whose   There is a nominated member who   mention about it in the   implicated in false cases. Doors of the
       dictates to me                    India, but in Pakistan. I have accused none   thinking is preoccupied with the notion   has said that he will introduce a   media               court have to be knocked for the immer-
                                                                                                                     Private Members’ Bill in the upcoming
                                         in this way and that those who will not
                                                                           that the Hindus are a second-class citizen
                                                                                                                                                                                         sion of the idols of Goddess Durga. The
                                         vote, ought to go to Pakistan.    and it is their duty to endure everything. It   session of the Parliament.                                    people of Mathuya Samaj came to India
      am talking about something and that talk                             is their duty to follow secularism.       It is very good. I congratulate Rakesh                              in 1947. Now the Government of India
      is presented in a distorted manner, this is   The whole statement was twisted in                               Sinha, who has talked about bringing    justice is being watched by the people.   has enacted an act that allows Hindus
      called yellow journalism. Did I say I’m sor-  such a manner that indicated that if the   The manner in which there are   Private member’s bill and he will bring   The people are hopeful that justice will   coming from other countries or either
      ry to say something on this? This was yel-  country’s Muslims having no belief in   discussions about Ram Temple these   it. He has complete knowledge of Sana-  be done. Speedy hearing is not taking   displaced to settle in India and not to be
      low journalism. You live in the house and if   this ideology should go to Pakistan.    days and the issue is in the Supreme   tan system and religion. He will place it   place. Therefore, there is resentment and  treated as intruders and they will have
      someone puts a CCTV camera in the bath-  I am throwing a challenge and I challenge   Court for hearing, what do you want   before the nation and the entire nation   disappointment in their minds as things   equal rights. The people of Mathuya
      room and then claim that you are taking a   you also to see my statement and tell me   and what is your blueprint for it?   will witness as to who is in favour of Lord  are not happening according to their   Samaj are there since the days of the
      bare bath, they will say that Giriraj Singh   if I am wrong. Do I need to offer clarifica-  Construction of the temple the sooner    Ram, who is in favour of construction of   expectations.   Partition  of  Independence  of  India.
      lives without clothes and this is what hap-  tion to each and every one who presented   the better.            the Ram temple? Do the 120 million dev-                             No body can harm the interests of the
      pened here.                        my statement in a distorted manner in the                                   otees of Lord Ram not have that much   Is there a date being fixed by the   members of the Mathuya Samaj as long
                                         media? I am giving my clarification to you   Temple construction with the help of   authority to have grand temple of Lord   party or the Sangh?    as the Bhartiya Janata Party is in power.
      In 2014 when Prime Minister Modi’s   as well and don’t know whether you will   law or according to the public opinion?  ram in India?            I do not know, it would have been bet-  They cannot be deported out of West
      campaign for Lok Sabha election was   write it or not.               Construction of the temple the sooner                                       ter if you could have asked the Party   Bengal. NRC is for those who fall under
      going on, you made a statement that                                  the better                                Would you bring legislation in the   President.                     the purview of the NRC and Mathuya
      all Muslims should go to Pakistan.  You say time and again that patience                                       upcoming session of the Parliament?                                 Samaj does not come under the purview
      I apologise to you and other journalists as   of the Hindus is getting exhausted and   Before elections or after elections?   Now let’s see, which way the wind blows.   What will be the issue in the   of the NRC.
      well. I say with challenge that first watch   what does that mean?   Construction of the temple, the sooner the                                  forthcoming elections?
      the full video and then only ask the ques-  You people take out the wrong mean -  better.                      The matter is in the court take a long   Development.                                LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM
                                      TEHELKA / 30 NOVEMBER 2018  26  WWW.TEHELKA.COM                                                                 TEHELKA / 30 NOVEMBER 2018  27  WWW.TEHELKA.COM
   24-27 Q&A Anil Singh.indd   4                                                                   11/15/2018   4:43:27 PM  24-27 Q&A Anil Singh.indd   5                                                         11/15/2018   4:43:43 PM
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