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 Hunger haunts Indians  then that country. We are ranked 102 in            Weakest nation

      117 countries and Pakistan at 79th place.
                                                                           The list put on the website of GHI,
      Even countries like Bangladesh and
      Nepal are in better condition than us. In
      the Modi regime, India has fallen further                            which monitors hunger and mal-
                                                                           nutrition, states that 18 countries
      down the Global Hunger Index (GHI). Not                              including Belarus, Ukraine,
 t was 48 years ago when the then   While the country is    But the truth was completely reversed.   only has India reached the worst ranking   Turkey, Cuba and Kuwait topped
 Prime minister Indira Gandhi gave   beating the drums of    The running of the government in corpo-  among South Asian countries, it is also in   the GHI score with less than five.
 a slogan in the 1971 election — Ga-  rate style has made the country’s burn-  a worse GHI condition than neighboring   A report jointly prepared by
 reebee  Hatao  (remove  poverty).   $5-trillion economy, the    ing issues more serious and they have no    Pakistan, facing a severe economic situa-  Ireland’s agency Concern World-
 I Now even almost after five decades   latest figures of    attention of the present regime.  tion. India’s score 30.3 has been found in   wide and Germany’s Walt Hunger
 poverty and hunger figures are putting   This is also shameful for us tha ruling   the GHI, which is considered in the “Seri-  Hilfe has described the level of
 country in embarrassment in front of   Global Hunger Index on India’s   party’s people keep teasing Pakistan as   ous Hunger category”.  hunger in India as a result of
 the world. The data of Global Hunger   starvation raise concern  beggar, but our starvation graph is worst   According to the latest GHI data, in   inadequate food availability.
 Index 2019 shows that today when we   2015, India was ranked 93rd in the Glob-  India’s ranking in the
 are beating the drums of five trillion   al Hunger Index, today it is ranked 102
 economy, we are ranked 102nd among   out of a total of 117 countries. The Modi   Global Hunger Index   sis has been given to these countries to
 the 117 countries in the world in terms of   government may be beating the drums   indicates a massive   give immediate and serious attention to
 starvation.  of reaching the country of five trillion                   it. According to the Global Hunger Index,
 It is the tragedy of this country that   economy, the new GHI report speaks   failure of government   90.6 per cent of children in the age group
 elections are neither fought on the most   something else.  policy. India’s ranking   of six to 23 months are unable to get as
 burning issues, nor are they able to be a   The report reveals that India is in the   much food as they need in India.
 part of any big debates. Recently organ-  worst state of starvation in “BRICS” coun-  of Global Hunger   The GHI states that due to India’s large
 ised “Howdy Modi” programme, with   tries. Last year, India was ranked 79th in   IDEX has been falling   population, its hunger indicator has a
 spending lakhs of rupees become the   the GHI rankings. These figures indicate   great impact on the overall indicators of
 main programs of our TV channels, but   that the current governance in the coun-  continuously since   the region. India ranks 102 in the Global
 they remain silent on the country’s most   try is not paying any attention to the real   2014, now it has   Hunger Index, while only 117 countries
 burning issues like hunger.  issues. For India worst thing is that GHI   are included in it. The hunger level in
 If we see, in the Lok Sabha elections   in its report has attributed India to the   become 102/14.   India is 30.3 points in the report, which is
 of 2019, the issue of “nationalism” was   poor ranking of South Asia. It says that   quite serious.
 raised by the main political party BJP. It is   South Asia’s ranking has fallen due to   This ranking reveals   The index also raises concerns about
 a matter of concern that in this “national-  India’s poor performance. The GHI con-  the huge failure of   high stunting (stunted growth of chil-
 ism”, the main issues of the country like   tains data from 2014 to 2018 and based on   dren)  rate  in  India.  However,  it  has
 hunger, illiteracy, poverty, unemploy-  three indicators show the proportion of   the policies of the   improved compared to previous years.
 ment had no place. What kind of nation-  undernourished children in the country,   government and    According to the report, in 2010, the
 alism is this, in which the issues of real   children under five years of age, whose   stunting rate among children under the
 nationalism are missing. So it is clear that   weight or length is lower by age, and   has exposed the   age of five in India was 42 per cent, com-
 this nationalism is nationalism only of   death rate among children under five.  hollow claims of PM   pared to 37.7 per cent in 2019. The report
 elections and votes.  Countries are ranked at 100 points                states that the rate is also very high in
 After coming to poverty, leaders are   in the GHI. Less than ten points means   Modi’s Sabka Saath    terms of public health importance.
 not worried about the country’s popula-  What is Global Hunger Index?  German volunteer institute named   the right condition, 20 to 36.4 points are   Sabka Vikas  Eradicating hunger and poverty in the
 tion and their burning issues. This is evi-  The Global Hunger Index (GHI)   Welt Hunger Life and was first re-  called serious hunger, 35 to 79.7 points   country is now becoming a big challenge
 dent from the fact that only 9.7 per cent   calculates worldwide hunger levels   leased in the year 2006. A year later, a   are considered alarming and more than   — rahul Gandhi, Congress leader  as the rulers are competing in a false
 of children between the ages of 9 and   and imbalances. Four indicators are   volunteer organization from Ireland   50 points are considered in the highly   race to only show the positive side of the
 23 months are getting minimum diet in   considered for this index, includ-  also joined this campaign. The higher   alarming category.  country in front of the world. The focus of
 India. On the one side there is dazzle of   ing undernutrition, weakness in   the global index score, the better   Statistics show that the rate of weak-  India has been placed in the category   the people in power is to build the image
 programs like “Howdy” and on the other   children, child mortality, and stunted   will be the situation in that country,   ness in children of India is increasing at   of vesting due to its low weight with    of the leader only. They are, unfortunate-
 hand children, women and men dying of   growth of children. Its index is   and the more it means, the starva-  a very fast rate. Worryingly, it is above all  children. Research by UNICEF says that   ly, seriously indifferent to the internal
 starvation.  released every year with data. The   tion in that country is in worrisome   countries. According to the Global Hun-  there is a high probability of death of   condition and problems of the country.
 When Narendra Modi came to power   index shows the achievements and   condition. There are four grounds for   ger Index, children in India have been   such children. Lack of food and illnesses   This is a sign of great danger as the burn-
 with the “Gujarat Model” in the year 2014,   failures of the worldwide campaign   measuring this, including malnutri-  witnessing increasing weakness since   are the main reasons for the vulnerabil-  ing issues of the country will reach explo-
 it was felt that he was the Chief Minister   against hunger. In fact, such a survey   tion, severe malnutrition in infants,   2010. In the year 2010, the rate of weak-  ity of children.  sive levels in the coming years.
 in a state for four times and a person who   was initiated by the International   stunted child development, and child   ness in children up to the age of five was   This report states that countries with   Report by Rakesh Rocky
 understood the ground reality would do   Food Policy Research Institute and a   mortality.  16.5 per cent, which has increased to 20.4  a vesting rate of more than 10 per cent
 politics of the real issues of the country.   per cent in the year 2019.  are in a very serious condition. Empha-

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