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tonnes of fodder–a shortage of 49%. The
availability and quality of fodder has a
direct bearing on the quantity and qual-
ity of milk productivity, the data show.
All the three states that topped milk
productivity in terms of gram per day–
Rajasthan (704), Haryana (877) and Pun-
jab (1,032)–had earmarked more than
10% of their cultivable land for pastures,
according to the 2015 SOIL report. The
national average is 337.
Stringent law proposed
In the meanwhile, those adulterating
food products could face life imprison-
ment and penalty of up to 10 lakh as
per the amendments proposed by the
Food Safety and Standards Authority of
India (FSSAI) has recommended strin-
gent punishment to curb food adul-
teration following the Supreme Court
order. The regulator has asked all its
to be adulterated or spurious. A large • Milking fix Reports suggest that people who The unorganised and
number of units in Punjab are engaged drink milk increase their chances of illlnesses
in manufacturing low-quality, mis- unregulated upkeep
branded, spurious and adulterated milk Total milk production increased of dairy animals
and milk products. “Till now, 1,424 sam- from 51.33 Million Tonnes during
ples have been collected and approxi- 2016-17 to 53.77 Million Tonnes dur- raises question mark
mately 60 per cent have failed quality ing 2017-18. In fact the Milk produc-
tests.” He told, “Ensuring unadulterated tion in the country during 2016-17 had on the safety of the
food, especially milk and milk products, achieved a remarkable progress by milk that the dairies
is one of the important components of showing 20.13% growth as compared to
Tandrust Punjab Mission. Pure food is 2013-14. Further, the production is esti- produce as well as on
the right of citizens.” mated to keedp up its momentum to- the sustainability of
“The Punjab government is review- wards the projected target of National
ing the law, and after examining all Action Plan for Dairy Development. India’s leadership
aspects of the law, including the issue The first five highest milk produc- in milk production
related to punishment to offenders, the ing States during Summer Season
matter will be referred to the Union 2017-were Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan,
government for amendment of the act,” Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Andhra
he said. Pradesh. state and union territories enforcement
India is the largest producer of milk However, spurred by rising incomes, divisions to strengthen checks on milk
in the world with over 150 million a growing population and changing producers to ensure they are comply-
tonnes of production. India has actually food preferences, the demand for milk ing with the Food Safety and Standards
been the world’s top milk-producing and milk products will grow to at least Act. The World Health Organization
country since 1997, but in the year 2014, 210 million tonnes by 2021–22, a rise gave the Government of India an ad-
for the first time, it beat the entire Eu- of 36% over five years, according to visory warning, stating that without
ropean Union. On a country basis, after government estimates. To boost milk adequate tracking of milk adulteration,
India, the US produces the most milk, yield, India would need to generate 87 percent of citizens could be at risk
and China comes in third. Our per capi- 1,764 million tonnes of fodder by 2020, of developing serious diseases, such as
ta availability of milk is over 300 grams according to an IndiaSpend analysis of cancer, by the year 2025.
per day which is more than the world government data. But existing sources
average of 294 grams per day. can only manage about 900 million
Tehelka / 15 november 2018 11
9-11 Suman.indd 3 02/11/18 11:03 AM