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P. 3

Editor’s Note

                 Dialogue, not war is the option!

                              Tehelka Special correSpond-     the same”. When IAF destroyed Jaish-e-Mohammed
                                enT Riyaz Wani has covered Val-  camp in Pakistan, it was a day of reckoning to avenge
                                ley like no other journalist and is   the massacre of Pulwama braves. The pre-emptive Indi-
                                 among the most respected scribes.    an Air Force strikes in Pakistan and Pakistan Occupied
                                 Our cover story “On the brink” is   Kashmir deep inside the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region
                                an in-depth report about rising   had sent a strong message to Pakistan. ‘JeM had openly
                                tension between nuclear neigh-  claimed responsibility for the Pulwama attack on CRPF
                              bours following air strikes from both   soldiers on February 14. For India, enough was enough
                           sides of the border in the aftermath of    as Pakistan had tested our patience in view of its in-
                       Pulwama terror attack that killed 40 CRPF    volvement in attacks in 2016 on Pathankot Air Force
                 personnel on February 14. There are claims and coun-  station on January 2 and Uri on September 18 and other
                 terclaims but being a rogue State, Pakistan is capable of   acts. However, India’s ‘non-military strike’ against a ter-
                 indulging in an irrational act.              rorist camp and airstrikes by Pakistan are escalating
                   A desperate Pakistan claimed that it had shot down   tensions. For Pakistan, it was like a catch 22 situation-
                 two Indian military aircraft over its airspace and cap-  dammed if it confirmed, dammed if it denied?
                 tured a pilot. The Ministry of External Affairs sum-  Pakistan leaders were confused, rattled and stunned.
                 moned the acting High Commissioner of Pakistan Syed   On the diplomatic front, Pakistan whose economy is in
                 Haider Shah and lodged a strong protest and objected   a tailspin has been isolated. The US has warned Pak to
                 to Pakistan’s vulgar display of blindfolded injured IAF   shun terror and no support is coming it’s way. To fur-
                 Pilot, Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman in   ther isolate Pakistan, External Affairs Minister, Sushma
                 violation of norms of Geneva Convention. This has trig-  Swaraj has rushed to China for a meeting with Foreign
                 gered outrage in the country. Pakistan’s act of aggres-  Ministers of Russia and China. Though India has for long
                 sion is in contrast to India’s non-military anti-terror   been a victim of cross-border terrorism, it still needs to
                 pre-emptive strike at JeM terrorist camp at Balakot.  exercise restraint but be prepared militarily for any
                   Pakistan’s provocative actions prove its doublespeak   eventuality. The political leadership should shun from
                 as on one hand its Prime Minister, Imran Khan amidst   politicizing the airstrikes with elections in mind. Prior-
                 air raids and escalating tension invited India for peace   ity should be to bring back IAF Wing Commander safe-
                 talks and in the same breath said that Pakistan’s move   ly. Dialogue, not war is the only option because no one
                 to send its aircraft into India was “only intended to con-  knows the end of a war.
                 vey that if you can come into our country, we can do
                                                                                          (chARAnjIt AhujA)

                                              WeB teAM                    print E r  &   pub L ish E r
                                              sunny sharma, shveta Mishra  swinder Bajwa
                           FREE . FAIR . FEARLESS  design teAM            printed & published by swinder Bajwa on behalf of
                                              Vikram nongmaithem, Ajoy sen,    Anant Media pvt. ltd.
                 Editor  Charanjit Ahuja*     Aditi Chahar, Anangpal singh  published from
                 associatE Editor  Abdul Wasey
                                              pHoto seCtion               anant media pvt Ltd,
                 stAte Correspondents         sr photo coordinator  deepak Jha  building no 23, nehru place,
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                 *(Editor for purpose of prb act 1867)  accounts  pradeep sharma  E-mail

                          Volume 16, Issue no. 5, 1-15 march 2019, RELEASEd on 1 march, numbER oF pAgES IncLudIng covER 68
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