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theStack The BelaTed Bachelor
Paperback – Import,
By Ravinder Singh
aMIT Shah and The March oF BJP
Anirban Ganguly, Shiwanand Dwivedi; Kindle Edition; 223.30; It’s been twelve years since
Paperback 291pp Happy, MP, Raamji and Ravin
graduated. Well into their
married lives, they realize that
The story of Amit Shah’s political life, none of them had a bachelor
struggles, rise and triumph is little known. party before their weddings. But
For a leader who is often referred to as the it’s never too late to set things
Chanakya of Indian politics, who has domi- right. They go about planning
nated India’s fast-paced and complex political their belated bachelor party - a
stage since 2014, has altered its electoral map Euro trip which, well, ends up becoming the trip of their
by leading the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to lifetime. Picture this: It’s the middle of the night. The four
successive historic victories post the May 2014 friends wait to be strip-searched by the border police.
general elections, there is very little that is They are stuck in the no-man’s land between Croatia and
recorded or narrated. So, it’s no surprise that Slovenia, without valid visas, but with banned party drugs
the curiosity he evokes is ever on the rise. and a rifle cartridge ... Welcome to one hell of a reunion!
Most of what is written about Amit Shah Bestselling author Ravinder Singh returns with his friends
is based on conjectures, hearsay, assump- in a hilarious, moving story of friendship and adventure.
tions and biases. The real Amit Shah-the once
booth-worker and now national president of the -------------------------------------------------------
The story of Amit Shah’s political life, struggles, rise and triumph
is little known. For a leader who is often referred to as the Chanakya The SecreTS We KeeP
of Indian politics, who has dominated India’s fast-paced and Paperback by Sudeep Nagarkar
complex political stage since 2014, has altered its electoral map by
leading the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to successive historic vic- If your past could be erased,
tories post the May 2014 general elections, there is very little that is would you erase it? Sadly, you
recorded or narrated. So, it’s no surprise that the curiosity he evokes have no choice in this matter be-
is ever on the rise. cause I, your past, am invincible.
Most of what is written about Amit Shah is based on conjectures, If you think you can escape me,
hed the BJP into a pan-India party and the convergence of organi- you’re already doomed.
sational science and ideology that has made the BJP a unique and Rahul, an intelligence officer
formidable political entity is a story that needs to be told. The book on a secret mission, is undercover
narrates the personal and political journey of Amit Shah, captures at a major’s house. In the process, he falls in love with
the ideological world that shaped him and gives an account of the the major’s daughter, Akriti, unknowingly putting her in
party that he is leading and shaping today. It is for the first time that danger. To protect her, Rahul decides to hide her at his
his story is being told-an authentic, no-holds-barred portrayal of parents’ house. However, estranged from his family for
one of the most influential leaders of our times. years, he must first make amends with them.
To the political worker, the observer and to anyone even remotely Just when he thinks he has found a haven for Akriti,
interested in Indian politics, irrespective of their profession or politi- she goes missing. That’s when a research wing officer
cal leaning, especially since the unfolding of Indian politics in the is put on the job, and Rahul realizes she is someone
summer of 2014, this is a captivating exploration of the political life who seems all too familiar. Or is she really?
and journey of one of its central characters. As Rahul comes closer to the truth, he is faced with
the biggest shock of his life.
The rSS: IconS oF The IndIan rIghT -------------------------------------------------------
Kindle Edition by Nilanjan Mukhopadhya
IndIa’S MoST FearleSS: True STorIeS oF Mod-
A fog of mystery surrounds the Rashtriya ern MIlITary heroeS
Swayamsevak Sangh—or RSS—the larg- By Shiv Aroor, Rahul Singh
est cadre-based organisation in the world. Penguine; Paperbook 200 pp , Kindle edition 89
Veteran journalist and author of the bestseller
Narendra Modi: The Man, The Times, Nilan- It is about the Army major who led the legendary
jan Mukhopadhyay lays bare its fascinating, September 2016 surgical strikes on terror launch pads
unique and perhaps startling world. He also across the LoC; a soldier who killed 11 terrorists in 10
chronicles the personal and political journeys days; a Navy officer who sailed into a treacherous port
of the most important men (and a woman) of to rescue hundreds from an exploding war; a bleeding
the Hindu Right-wing, digging up little-known Air Force pilot who found himself flying a jet that had
but revealing facts about them. become a screaming fireball .
Tehelka / 15 June 2019 65