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         It is a matter of pity that the basic ten-  tue of her own merit got admission into   Tribal Community project, ActionAid
         ets promised in the Preamble of the   the prestigious Mangalore University.  and the Koraga Federation and Sama-
         Constitution isn’t clearly visible on the                        gra Grameena Ashrama have jointly
         ground. Though, several legislations   The Good Samaritan        secured thousands of acres of land for
         have been made by the government   The Korga population is shrinking   the community. As per scheme, around
         from time to time, their voices continue   alarmingly due to the lack of proper   19,000 people have accessed grants to
         to be stifled.                   health care facility and other basic   build homes  for them — the first step
                                          requirements, According to the 1981   in the direction of ensuring home for
         Inhuman Ajalu practice           census, more than 15,000 people   every Korga family.
         It is a matter of shame that upper-caste   were entitled as Koragas but in 2011,
         Kannadigas use the services of Koragas   the number fell down to 14,000. This   Fight for Right
         for the Ajalu practice in this 21st cen-  downward trend in their population   Gowri, who used to work as a labourer
         tury. Despite the implementation of the   narrates the sorry state of affairs about   in the houses of upper caste people said
         Karnataka Koragas (Prohibition of Aja-  the community.           the efforts will support and ensure eve-
         lu Practice) Act, 2000, the Koragas are   During the darkest days of their life,   ry Koraga claims their right to land and
         treated as inferior human beings and   several non-government organisations   will be treated as human beings like
         forced to eat leftover food mixed with   have come forward to work for the   others. “Since decades, we were con-
         hair, nails or any other inedible or ob-                         sidered as worst humans. Now, after
         noxious substance. Their plight doesn’t                          acquiring land for building a house, my
         end there. Before the beginning of   For several decades,        family and others will be able live a dig-
         Kambala (buffalo race in marshy land),   the Koragas are silently   nified life”, said Gowri, mother of four.
         Koragas are asked to run like buffaloes.                            Besides  homes,  the  community
         Apart from the inhuman Ajalu practice,   tolerating the inhuman   will also enjoy its legitimate right over
         the Koragas’ fight against malnutrition,                         49,000 acres of forest land under the
         tuberculosis, high mortality rate, illit-  torture as they haven’t   community forest rights and individ-
         eracy, and others problems is still on.   mustered courage to speak   ual forest rights while 1,000 acres of
                                                                          agricultural land will also be allotted to
         The language barrier             against the social stigma or    them.
         Neither the Koraga tribe, nor their lan-  free themselves from the   “The community has faced discrimi-
         guage (also known as Koraga) have got                            nation, untouchability and bondage
         due representation in their native place   shackles of “slavery”. Here,   situations in every walk of its life. Now a
         Karnataka, let alone India. In 2011, as   the lethal mix of regressive   new project will help them live their fu-
         many as 15,000 (approx) out of 23 lakh                           ture life in a well maintained environ-
         people in Dakshin Kannada and Udupi   tradition continue to      ment”, said Sandeep Chachra, Executive
         districts of Karnataka were speaking   subjugate rationality     Director, ActionAid Association India.
         the language which was described as a                               This year ActionAid’s India’s Res-
         “secret Dravidian language of Madras”                            toration of Dignity and Human Rights
         by Irish administrator and linguist in   development of the tribe. As a result,   of Indigenous Tribal Community in
         British India George Abraham Gri-  scores of bright students from the com-  Karnataka project in partnership with
         erson. Grierson also said that Koraga   munity are trying to script their own   the Koraga Federation and Samagra
         could be a dialect of Tulu.      success story, said Nandini, Regional   Grameena Ashrama has also been de-
                                          Manager, ActionAid India (Karnataka).   clared as the winner of World Habitat
         Lotus grows in the mud           Nandini believes the community has   Awards Gold Winner 2019. The award
         In the true sense, Sabitha can be com-  achieved significant progress in sever-  was conferred by the World Habitat, a
         pared to the lotus that takes root in the   al fields but they also need the support   UK based organisation, in partnership
         mud, but blooms above the surface of   of the government to address several    with United Nations-Habitat.
         mud and water. Despite all odds, and   issues that are still pending.  “This recognition for the courageous
         the social stigma Sabitha completed   ActionAid India, which has started   and sustained efforts of the Koraga
         her M A degree and became the as-  several projects across the country, is   community would send a message of
         sistant professor in the department of   also working with the Koragas and nine   hope and optimism to other communi-
         sociology in Mangalore University in   other tribal communities in Karnataka   ties across the world in their struggle
         2013. She became the first woman from   to help them gain access to govern-  for a life of dignity and sustainability,”
         her community who broke the glass   ment schemes meant for them.   Sandeep added.
         ceiling. Jeetha is another brilliant stu-  According to the Restoration of Dig-
         dent from the community who by vir-  nity and Human Rights of Indigenous          LETTERS@TEHELKA.COM

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