Page 7 - Tehelka Issue 15 August 2018
P. 7
/tehelka @tehelka
The state and appearance of parallel administration despite a place in the FIFA World Cup
the Taj, the second best Unesco an elected Government in final in its fifth appearance.
world heritage site in the world, place. The Governor cannot The Juventus striker Mario
has deteriorated because of now refuse to accept that he is Mandžukić’s brilliant finish in
high levels of environmental Constitutionally obliged to act the dying minutes of the extra-
pollution. While emissions on the advice of the Council time put paid to the English
from polluting industries are of Ministers. He cannot act as hopes.
a problem, the .discharge of proxy for the Union Earlier, the Wimbledon saw
effluents into the Yamuna have Government and obstruct another upset when Kevin
aggravated the problem. the Delhi Government in Anderson played the match of
To restore the once-gleaming implementing its policies. his life to register a comeback
Taj to its pristine glory is not He has to be content with victory over Roger Federer.
an easy task. Nonetheless, his jurisdiction. In the light Upsets like these make
refurbishing and reconditioning of the landmark verdict, the sporting events hugely exciting.
it should be a national priority. Union Government should Sometimes, what causes agony
Green fuels and bio-fuels can end confrontation with as well as ecstasy is that there is
reduce pollution reasonably the AAP Government and only one winner at the end of a
and should be introduced in extend cooperation for better game.
Agra to cut down pollution governance. CG kuriakose
levels. The Government must G DaviD milton
come down heavily on the The twists and turns in the
industrial units. It is a welcome step that the game of tennis and football
DevenDra khurana Supreme Court categorically have left many of us stunned.
said that Lieutenant Governor Perhaps we have to steel
Centre should end rift (LG) does not have independent ourselves for the days ahead:
with AAP government power and is bound by advice of for tennis without the grace of a
With reference to the report “End of sit-in at elected Government’s ministers. Federer and the determination
LG’s office brings temporary relief” by Anil Singh He cannot act as obstructionist. of a Nadal, and football without
(July 15)
The Supreme Court has settled But at the same time, it is also the magic of a Messi and
the long-drawn-out question clear that Delhi is not a State, but Ronaldo. One recalls the lines
of who is to run Delhi — the an Union Territory. of Tennyson: “For now I see the
elected Government or the And moreover, it should true old times are dead, When
Lieutenant Governor — once also be noted that former Delhi every morning brought a noble
and for all with the unanimous Chief Minister Sheila Dixit, who chance, And every chance
verdict clearly going in favour of ruled National Capital for 15 brought out a noble knight.”
the former. The ruling is based years, also worked under similar These players have been the
on the sound premise that real arrangement and provided knights of sport and we may
power cannot but rest with governance to the people of have to let go of them soon.
the elected Government in a Delhi. kavita tanDon
democracy as it represents the So, Arvind Kejriwal now
popular will. needs to focus on delivering The Balkan nation has been
No doubt, the verdict was his tall promises rather than playing irrepressible football
a shot in the arm of the Aam indulging in some dharna. in this world cup, and has the
Aadmi Party and vindicated He needs to sit with other power and potential to trounce
Arvind Kejriwal’s ‘sofa dharna’ stakeholders and sort out all France in the finals. A small
in the house of the Lieutenant differences. nation with a population of
General, but its significance Bal GovinD just around four million is on
goes beyond ‘party politics’ the threshold of its biggest
in that it has laid down Upsets make sporting ever sporting achievement
the powers of the elected events hugely exciting since the Goran Ivanišević won
Government and the Lieutenant With reference to the report “Explained! the Wimbledon singles title
Why India lags behind in football” by Vipin
Governor for all to follow Pubby (July 31) in 2001. FIFA 2018 has been
despite political hues. Croatia, undaunted despite full of surprises, and it will be
The verdict now also applies conceding an early first-half interesting to watch whether it
to Puducherry where Kiran goal, played spirited football to produces a new champion.
Bedi almost seeks to run a battle its way through to book r sivakumar
Tehelka / 15 august 2018 7