Page 62 - Tehelka Issue 15 August 2018
P. 62


                                        The big picture: Clicking

                                        the country with a class

                                        Coming from three generations of photographers, Amit Pasricha
         Culturati                      is known as the ‘panoramist‘ of India whose masterpiece

                                        ‘Monumental India’ created a  wave in the  year 2007
         ArshiyA sethi
                                                    mit Pasricha‘s photog-  ence and not the fleeting moment, and
                                                    raphy masterpiece in   become an experiential photographer”.
                                                    2007-‘Monumental     It is evident that you need to be much
         Dr. Arshiya Sethi writes                   India’ with text by Aman   more than that. You need to be expan-
         on cultural issues.                        Nath and a foreword   sive in the field of vision, as well as the
         After a rich career of          A by William Dalrym-            imagination. As if to prove this assump-
         working on tangible            ple, caused a sensation when it was   tion Pasricha adds “The shot has to be
         and intangible aspects         published. Your breath stopped as you   first composed in your head since your
         of the ecosphere of the        gazed at the panoramic views of North   camera cannot do that. Your attempt
         arts, she runs the Kri         India’s famed monuments and sites. But  is to bring your audience to where you
         Foundation that                Pasricha had been captivated not just   stood as you conceived your photo-
         promotes arts,                 by the grand monument- the imposing   graph, so in viewing your picture they
         activism in the social         Islamic tombs, the sprawling Hindu and  become partners in your production.
         and development                Jain temple complexes, royal palaces,   While a regular photograph is com-
         sector, especially via         colonial grandeur and majestic forts, but  posed by the eye through the viewfind-
         ‘artivism’, and the            also by the lesser known architectural   er, the panorama can only be imagined
         generation of knowl-           gems. Not just the outer architecture but  since the human eye is totally incapable
         edge on intersecting           the inner halls, including the magnifi-  of comprehending on its own!”
         issues.                        cent darbar halls where maharajas once   “My panoramic photograph comes
                                        held a formal audience, and the opulent  close to the visual impression you will
                                        interiors of their private apartments,   carry back having spent a few minutes
                                        with mirrored decorations, chandeliers,  or hours around a certain place, influ-
                                        and luxurious brocades, all became the   enced of course by my point of view. So,
                                        subject of his monumental panoramas.   the cover of Monumental is the sum
                                        It was as if he changed the way we   total of standing on the opposite bank of
                                        looked at scale and buildings. He went   the Yamuna and experiencing a sunrise
                                        on to change his email to include the   at the Taj. Incidentally, the iconic image
         While a regular                word ‘panoramist’ in his email id- so   of Vijaypath was the result of me spend-
                                                                         ing several hours atop an extendable
                                        complete was his identification with
         photograph is                  this format.                     Fire ladder that I had borrowed from
         composed by the                cool looking father of two, “‘Monumen-  the Delhi Fire Services. So to those who
                                           “Actually”, says Amit, a young and
                                                                         say that one gets a good photograph
         eye through the                tal India’ was not my first book using   through sheer luck, I would say ‘yes’, but
         viewfinder, the                stitched panoramas. It was in Aman   more importantly, you need dogged-
                                        Nath’s ‘Dome over India’ that I first
                                                                         ness for sure!” No wonder they say about
         panorama can only              used this format”. On being asked how   photographers that they make ordinary
         be imagined since              he moved to his signature panoramic   things look extraordinary since they do
                                        format, Amit said with a laugh, “Well,
                                                                         not look, but see!
         the human eye is               first you need to be fed up with what you   You could well say that Amit Pasricha
         totally incapable of           are doing. Then you have to be equally   had this passion for photography in his
                                        interested in both the scale and the
                                                                         genes. His grandfather, Fateh Chand
         comprehending on               detail in the world observed, and finally,  Pasricha owned a photo studio on busy
                                                                         Janpath even before independence,
                                        you must want a svisual artist, to feel
         its own! says Amit             the need to convey the overall experi-  which was well known for its portrait

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