Page 13 - Tehelka Issue 15 August 2018
P. 13
human trafficking
Monstrous workload in
every sector leads to
rise in human trafficking
photo: ujjal deb
forgot to mention ‘transgender’ in the Bill. or life-term plus fine of no less than one lakh rupees.
“You (Maneka Gandhi) being at an exalted position Therefore, these clauses in Section 31 directly tar-
in the Cabinet and being a woman yourself failed in get the consensual sex workers and transgenders’
your duty to use the terminology called ‘transgender’. communities as prostitution and begging are the
When the Supreme Court has clearly passed a judg- main sources of their income. And, hormones are
ment in favour of us, has acknowledged our rights mainly taken by the transgenders for undergoing
under the Indian constitution, how could you not sex-change. Whereas, points like punishment for
recognise it?” Akkai said. “Their (government) move hIV/AIDS, pregnancy, etc. that straightaway stigma-
is highly insensitive and undemocratic and I con- tise the victims would instill fear or compel them to
demn it.” never come out, as a result the objective to prevent
Chapter XII, Section 31 (Offences and Penalties) in transmission of life-threatening diseases from per-
the Bill defines the following as aggravated form of son-to-person, teen-pregnancy due to sexual exploi-
trafficking: tation and trafficking in general, would remain as
ii) for the purpose of bearing child, either naturally unsurmountable challenges.
or through assisted reproductive techniques; Akkai called the Bill “totally conservative”. The Bill
iv) by administering any chemical substance or was never put out in public for debate, discussion
hormones on a person for the purpose of early sexual and public discourse, she said.
maturity; Akkai suggests the Bill should talk about poverty,
(vii) who is a pregnant woman or the offence re- unemployment, uncertainty in the income of the vic-
sults in pregnancy of the person; tims, and discrimination in caste and class system at
(viii) by causing or exposing the person to a life- all levels.
threatening illness including a AIDS/hIV “You are thrown out by your own people from the
(ix) for the purpose of begging; family institution and society boycotts you for being
These offences under ‘aggravated form of traffick- what you are. In such a scenario, one migrates from
ing’ are punishable with imprisonment for 10 years his/her region looking for livelihood, respect and a
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