Punjab and Haryana High Court on January 11 granted bail to accuse Vikas Barala, son of Chandigarh BJP president Subhash Barala, in the Chandigarh stalking case.
Vikas and his friend were arrested for stalking and harassing Varnika Kundu on August 4, 2017, when she was returning home from work at 11:15 pm. 29-year-old Varnika was driving alone and was almost waylaid by the duo. Following the incident, she took on the Facebook to post the entire incident which caught the attention of national media. She is a daughter of a Senior IAS officer.
On January 9, Varnika was grilled by Barala’s counsel for five hours and asked nearly 500 questions about her personal life – from the friends she has and to whether her mother had been told of the incident when it took place, as per news report.