United States: Donald Trump accepts Republican Party’s Presidential nomination for 2nd term

US President Donald Trump on Thursday formally accepted the Republican Party’s presidential nomination for the upcoming elections in November.

Trump was introduced by his daughter Ivanka before entering the stage on the 4th day of the Republican National Convention. Ivanka said, “America doesn’t need another empty vessel who will do whatever the media and the fringe of his party demands. Now more than ever, America needs four more years of a Warrior in the White House. To the hardworking men and women across America, and here tonight, you are the reason President Trump will fight for four more years. Donald Trump did not come to Washington to win praise from the beltway elites, he came to Washington to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

After accepting the Republican nomination for President of the United States, Trump launched a frontal attack on his opponent Joe Biden, Trump said, “This election will decide whether we SAVE the American Dream, or whether we allow a socialist agenda to DEMOLISH our cherished destiny. We have spent the last four years reversing the damage Joe Biden inflicted over the last 47 years. Joe Biden cheered the rise of China and that’s why China supports Joe Biden and desperately wants him to win. If we had listened to Joe Biden, hundreds of thousands more Americans would have died. Joe Biden’s agenda is the most extreme set of proposals ever put forward by a major party nominee. Joe Biden’s agenda is Made in China. My agenda is MADE IN THE USA!. The Biden Plan would eliminate America’s borders in the middle of a global pandemic. The party Joe Biden leads supports the extreme late-term abortion of defenseless babies right up to the moment of BIRTH. Joe Biden is a Trojan horse for socialism.”

US Vice President Mike Pence also formally accepted the Republican Vice-Presidential nomination on Wednesday.

The US Presidential elections are set to take place on November 3, this year.