“Sanskars are more important than knowledge in life”: Rajnath Singh

India has been a Vishwa Guru, the world also accepts it, the Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said during the 98th Convocation of University of Delhi (DU) on 26th February at the Multipurpose Hall of DU Sports Complex.

The Union Defense Minister Rajnath Singh gave digital degrees to 1 lakh 73 thousand 443 students by touching the tab with his hands.

While explaining the importance of rituals Rajnath Singh said that, “Ravana was more knowledgeable, richer and stronger than Shri Ram, but the worship is not of Ravana, but of Purushottam Ram, of his value systems. He exhorted the students to work diligently. It doesn’t matter how intelligent you are, but what matters is how big your mind is and what your sanskars are”.

He futher said that the direction of life is not decided by education but ad. Do not be afraid of failure in life because no success is final and no failure is fatal. Perseverance and patience is the basic mantra of life. If you have courage, then you can achieve success on any front in life. The future of any country depends on the youth like you. He called upon the students to go ahead and discover new technology, which, he said, is our hope.

“There was a time when India was number one in the world in the field of science, but due to the slavery of centuries many people are not familiar with it. Referring to many achievements from the theory of zero to Pythagoras theorem, the earth being round, the theory of infinity and plastic surgery, among others, he said that India has been a world leader in the past. He said that it is our dream that India should become the world guru again. We want to make India powerful, wealthy and strong and want to make every Indian sanskarvan, Rajnath said.”

Along with this, he told that from May 1, 2022, DU shall be celebrating the hundredth year of its establishment and ranking of DU at the world level. He said that under the new education policy NEP-2020, DU is now going to start some new programs in engineering including B. Tech. Computer Science, B. Tech. Electrical, B. Tech. Electronics, Integrated 5-year BA LLB and BBA LLB.