PM Modi takes first jab of Covaxin

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday took the first dose of the vaccine against the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi to kick-off India’s second phase of the immunisation drive.

The Prime Minister shared a picture on Twitter where two healthcare workers are seen administering him with the Covid-19 vaccine.

“Took my first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine at AIIMS. Remarkable how our doctors and scientists have worked in quick time to strengthen the global fight against Covid-19. I appeal to all those who are eligible to take the vaccine. Together, let us make India Covid-19 free!” PM Modi said after taking the jab.

According to reports, Modi had reached AIIMS around 6:25am and P Niveda, who hails from Puducherry, was one of the healthcare workers who administered him with the vaccine.