Papaya seeds are magical

Ripe papaya strengthens the digestive system and provides relief in increasing weight, writes Kanchan

To keep our body healthy, we all consume different types of fruits and vegetables. Papaya is one of them. While ripe papaya is eaten as a fruit, raw papaya is used as vegetable. The intake of ripe papaya strengthens the digestive system and provides relief in increasing weight.

The consumption of papaya seeds, which are often thrown away, is also very beneficial for us. Eating these seeds on an empty stomach in the morning reduces swelling quickly. Eating papaya seeds daily can relieve viral fever as it contains anti-viral elements that provide relief from various diseases.

Papaya also acts like panacea in many major diseases. It is rich in fibre, Vitamin C and antioxidants which prevent cholesterol build up in your arteries. Its low calories help in weight loss. A papaya contains more than 200% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C, boosting your immunity , enhancing vision and improving digestion.

The papaya seeds, known as ‘’traditional healers treat’’, acts as a magic bullet for the treatment of liver, kidney, diseases related to digestion and many more.

Papaya seeds not only increase appetite in the elderly, children and alcoholic patients, but also easily detoxify liver within a month. Papaya seeds prevent free radical production in the liver cell and easily generate the new cells. Papaya seeds consist of myrosinase (an enzyme); it activates the cytochrome P 450 isoenzyme in the liver.

Papaya seed contains papain, it has the ability to dissolve and clean out the dead tissues without altering the activity of the good cells. This traditional therapy has been used for only 3 weeks a restarts again after one week. During this therapy, water intake is approximately 3-4 litres daily.

Eight to ten seeds to be taken orally with lukewarm water after the meal twice a day for 2 weeks.

On the other side, boil half spoon of dried seed powder in water and its decoction can be used regularly after the meal once a day.

In traditional medicines, papaya seed ash (1mg) is mixed with honey (3-5g) twice a day detoxifies the liver.

The kidney, mainly responsible for the filtering of whole toxins produced during the metabolism, may also benefit from papaya.

Fresh papaya seed should be taken orally in the morning time, approximately 15-20 seeds should be chewed on a daily routine for 3 weeks.

After chewing the seeds, take 200-500 ml water after half an hour.

Papaya seeds are used to heal the damage to the kidney during the filtering process. By chewing seeds, medicinally important chemical present in the seed directly reach blood circulation and increase the efficacy of treatment 50 times.

It easily eradicates the toxins produced during the metabolism in the whole body and excretes toxins out through urine. Carpaine is an alkaloid present in the papaya seeds which detoxifies the toxins by making a chelate which is easily excreted out.

Improvement in Digestion

Papaya is a panacea in curing stomach disorders. For this, papaya seeds should be consumed daily. With this, drinking papaya juice is beneficial to eliminate stomach worms.

Papaya seed is beneficial to flourish digestive flora, primarily it acts on the liver and increases its vitality to perform better.

The seed prevents the ulcer formation and heals the ulcer due to the presence of benzyl isothiocyanate in the seed and pulp.

It has the ability to kill and prevent the ulcer-producing bacteria.

Dried papaya seed powder mixed with honey after food prevents flatulence.

Five to ten fresh papaya seeds mixed with a pinch of black pepper increase the appetite.

For worm infection (helminthiasis), air-dried seed powder, 2gm mixed with 1 tsp honey taken once a day empty stomach for a week.

Papaya seeds contain Papain, which is called as a digestive aid helps in the digestion of proteins.