Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday inaugurated the Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025. The six-day event has brought over 34 leading automobile manufacturers together, highlighting advancements in mobility with more than 100 vehicles expected to be launched during the expo.
He said, “There is a positivity in India in terms of the future of mobility. The automobile industry in India is fantastic and future ready.”
Present there, Piyush Goyal, Minister of Industry and Supply said that the Bharat Mobility Expo has become the second biggest automotive show in the world.
The expo witnessed several key launches on the first day as Maruti Suzuki unveiled its first electric vehicle, e-Vitara, and Hyundai launched its e-Creta.
Tata Motors has also showcased two additions including Sierra EV and Harrier EV which are due to launch.
Vietnam EV manufacturer and a strong competition to Tesla, VinFast is also showcasing its range of electric vehicles designed for the local market. The company will officially come to India next year.
Other launches include MG Motor’s MG Cyberster, M9, Porsche is showcasing its Macan and Taycan which has gone electric too. Chinese automaker BYD introduced the Sealion 7.
In terms of two wheelers, Ola Electric, Ather, Motovolt, and TVS among others are showcasing their advancements in the two-wheeler industry. Meanwhile, VE Commercial Vehicles and Greaves Cotton highlight their contributions to sustainable commercial mobility, showcasing electric and hydrogen fuel cell innovations.