Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday is set to lay the foundation stone of Veer Savarkar College in Delhi’s Roshanpura in Najafgarh. This comes at a time when the assembly elections are due in the city next month, fuelling a controversy between Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) over the choice of name of the college.
Sharing information about the foundation laying ceremony, Delhi University Vice Chancellor Yogesh Singh said that the Prime Minister will be laying the foundation of three projects including East and West campus of Delhi University and Veer Savarkar College.
He said, “It is a moment of pride for the Delhi University as Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be laying the foundation of three projects which will be completed in Two years. We will be creating new opportunities and new seats with the help of this infrastructure.”
All the projects have been budgeted for Rs 600 crore which is being provided by the central government.
Meanwhile, national president of the National Students’ Union of India (NSUI), Varun Choudhary has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging to honour the legacy of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh by naming the educational institution after him.
The letter highlighted Dr. Singh’s transformative contributions to India’s education sector, including the landmark Central Universities Act, 2009, the Right to Education Act, and the establishment of premier institutions like IITs, IIMs, and AIIMS across the nation.
“As the government prepares to inaugurate a Delhi University college named after VD Savarkar, NSUI strongly demands that the institution be named after Dr. Manmohan Singh Ji instead,” the letter read.