Hurriyat will support peace initiatives on Kashmir: Mirwaiz

Striking a positive note, Hurriyat (M) chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq on Friday said that the Hurriyat would support all the peace initiatives that are geared to peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue.

“Hurriyat will support every initiative for a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute keeping in view the sentiments and aspirations of the people of Kashmir,” Mirwaiz said during his weekly  Friday sermon at the Srinagar’s Grand Mosque.

Mirwaiz acknowledged the fact that  the people of India had overwhelmingly re-elected  Narendra Modi as the Prime Minister.  “This mandate gives PM Modi the opportunity and the power to play a decisive role in the resolution of the long pending Kashmir conflict,” Mirwaiz said. “It is an opportune time to initiate political processes which enables and facilitates conflict resolution”.

Mirwaiz also said that Kashmiris across the political divide were speaking in favour of the resolution of the festering conflict.

He also urged New Delhi to respond to  Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s  offer of dialogue on all the outstanding issues.

“Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s oft repeated offer of dialogue on all issues between India and Pakistan including Kashmir issue should be taken seriously  by the new dispensation in New Delhi as the way forward,” Mirwaiz said.

He said the resolution of Kashmir  can transform the sub-continent  and usher in a new era of stability and progress in South Asia and so it should be a goal that should be pursued seriously by India and Pakistan.