A complaint has been lodged against actor Swara Bhasker, Twitter Head Manish Maheshwari, journalist Arfa Khanum and Asif Khan in Delhi over “provocative tweets” of assaulting a muslim man in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad.
A lawyer approached Delhi Police with his complaint on Wednesday in Ghaziabad over “provoking communal sentiments” with posts sharing the elderly man’s allegations.
The complainant claims that Swara Bhasker, journalist Arfa Khanum and a person named Asif Khan, through their Twitter handles, started a propaganda to spread hate amongst the citizens”.
Manish Maheshwari, the head of Twitter in India, did not take any action to remove these false tweets knowing the fact that the incident did not have any kind of communal angle”, the complaint says.
Uttar Pradesh Police filed a complaint against microblogging platform for not removing “misleading” content connected to the incident.