Covid-19 survivor, 21, feels like a warrior

Twenty days hospitalisation in isolation ward, 10 positive tests and finally 21-year-old Kaif Ali is Covid-19 free. He tells Kulsum Mustafa that he feels as if he has returned victorious from a grave battle

Talking to Kaif Ali, a relative of Lucknow’s first Covid- 19 case, who also tested positive is an unforgettable experience. It is a journey of a youth who was literally shaken up from his slumber, informed that he was carrying the deadly virus and within two hours he was put in an ambulance and sent off for hospitalization.

Kaif’s story leaves you choked with emotions and admiration. It makes you marvel at the undefeatable spirit of Man and also fills you with the realization as to how fragile and unpredictable is life and how vulnerable are we humans.

It all started with his sister in law, a doctor in Canada, and family paying them a visit when they came to India just after Holi. Couple of days later she tested positive for Covid-19. She was hospitalized and her husband and one and half year child who tested negative were quarantined. Members from the two houses of relatives she had visited, one was of Kaif underwent mandatory tests. Kaif’s report came positive.

“We were informed by the hospital at 1 am and at 3 am the KGMC ambulance was there to pick me up. In these two hours the trauma and agony of me and my family cannot be described. It looked like the end of the world for us,” said Kaif.

Feeling of acute depression filled him for the next couple of days. But slowly he tried to overcome this. The positive and friendly attitude of the doctors and medical staff was comforting. The 24x 7 video conferencing with friends and family and the fact that his symptoms were not acute and age was in his favor and all this made a huge difference. The wi fi and television were Kaif’s constant companions. And he kept himself updated and informed. The television was his best friend in the room. “I am a travel buddy and so watched a lot of travel logs, I love to known of the culture and people so I really enjoyed these.

Kaif is an Aquarian — the most humanitarian astrological sign. These revolutionary thinkers fervently support “power to the people,” aspiring to change the world through radical social progress. He had lots of time to think, chalk out his future plans. A BBA second year student Kaif wants to be an entrepreneur. The experience made him feel stronger and appreciate the little things of life so much.

“Earlier I used to get upset over trivial matters I was also mortally afraid of the dark- now I have left all this behind me. I am a different person, I have matured, “says Kaif looking forward to going back to his collge and meeting up with friends who kept him motivated throughout his hodpitalization.

He hails doctors and medical team. “They joked and boosted my morale, treating me like their kid brother,” said Kaif, adding that the goodbye amidst thunderous clapping by the medical team as he walked out was a beautiful experience that he will never forget in life. The “I felt like a celebrity. It was a wonderful feeling the thought of going home, cured and free from the virus made me feel so strong. “ said Kaif, Also when my ambulance reached my colony the neighbors all came out and showered rose petals on me. It was a life time experience”

Kaif thanks Allah for giving him back a healthy life. He says he is ready to donate blood plasma as and when required. “That will be my way of showing gratitude to Humanity,” he says confidentially.