COVID-19 cases in India rise to 1,12,359, Death toll at 3,435

COVID-19 cases in India has risen to 1,12,359, with 3,435 fatalities. There are 63,624 active cases while 45,299 have been cured/discharged, the Health Ministry said on Thursday.

Maharashtra has highest COVID-19 cases – 39,297, followed by Tamil Nadu – 13,191, Gujarat – 12,537 and Delhi – 11,088.

Government of India is taking several steps along with the States/UTs for prevention, containment and management of COVID-19. These are being regularly reviewed and monitored at the highest level, according to official release.

The Health Ministry on Wednesday said, “India has been relatively able to decelerate the pace of COVID-19 and the impact can be seen in the data of COVID-19 cases. Compared to the global scale, where there are 62.3 cases per lakh, India still has only 7.9 cases/ lakh population. Similarly, for mortality per lakh population, while the global average rate is 4.2, India’s figure is pegged at 0.2. The relatively low death figures represent timely case identification and clinical management of the cases.”