The Delhi Police on Monday filed a charge sheet naming Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his deputy Manish Sisodia as accused of an alleged assault on Chief Secretary (CS) Anshu Prakash in February.
After the development, AAP government accused the BJP-led Centre of “political vendetta” and called it another instance of “witch-hunt”.
Along with Kejriwal and Sisodia, 11 other AAP legislators— Amanatullah Khan, Prakash Jarwal, Nitin Tyagi, Rituraj Govind, Sanjeev Jha, Ajay Dutt, Rajesh Rishi, Rajesh Gupta, Madan Lal, Parveen Kumar and Dinesh Mohania are also named as accused in the charge sheet by the police filed before Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate.
After completion of the investigation and collection of evidence a 1,300-page charge sheet has been filed, the police have accused Kejriwal, Sisodia, and others of criminally conspiring to threaten the Chief Secretary with death or grievous hurt, obstructed him in discharging his public function and caused hurt.
Chief Secretary of Delhi had accused Aam Aadmi Party MLAs of assault at Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s residence in his presence on the night of February 19.