Delhi woke up to a thick layer of smog with air quality index at 421 pushing it to the ‘severe’ category, according to the central government’s Sameer app which provides updates on the National Air Quality Index.
This comes after the Centre’s Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) on Monday re-imposed the restriction under 4th stage of Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) to combat the air pollution in the national capital.
Under this, the centre has put a complete ban on construction activities.
These restrictions were rolled out just hours after stage 3 curbs were enforced in the city.
GRAP stage 4 restrictions were implemented in November for the first time following high levels of pollution in Delhi-NCR.
Earlier reported on the issues of people who were suffering from crowded metros and restricted vehicle movement due to the imposition of GRAP 4 measures.
Devendra Singh Khushwaha, Advocate, Delhi High Court had said that restrictions under GRAP 4 are physically and mentally exhausting.
“The combination of restricted vehicle movement, overcrowded public transport, and hazardous air quality has made commuting under GRAP IV not only inconvenient but also physically and mentally exhausting. Additionally, Delivery and logistics services are also disrupted and restrictions on private vehicles, buses, causing delays and price surge,” he had shared.
Later in December, the apex court allowed the CAQM to ease restrictions to stage 2 on December 5.
Under these restrictions, trucks are barred from entering Delhi unless they are carrying essential items or running on clean fuels like LNG, CNG and electricity or BS-VI diesel.
Schools in Delhi and NCR districts must adopt hybrid learning for Classes VI to IX and XI, offering both online and offline options. The decision to attend online classes is left to students and their guardians. Other NCR districts are encouraged to follow suit based on feasibility.